It’s frighteningly evident that billionaire George Soros has his hands in numerous elections across America.

The billionaire has made it his mission to promote the candidates he deems far-left enough to be in office.

He donates millions to different shadow groups who then donate to specific candidates.

During the mid-term elections last November, Soros was responsible for supporting numerous candidates who went on to win for Democrats to take over the House. This is serious business to this far-left political kingmaker.

Soros also knows what local races are key to moving his agenda along. In the Cook County State’s Attorney race, he is on record with huge donations to Kim Foxx who went on to win the race.

Chicagoist reports:

Kim Foxx has found two sources of cash, in the form of twin $300,000 donations to a Super PAC supporting her called Illinois Safety & Justice.

The sole donors to the PAC  George Soros and a “dark-money” group called Civic Participation Action Fund. 

Soros is a notorious liberal donor—he dropped $20 million on the 2004 election, and recently donated $8 million to a leading pro-Hillary Super PAC, as well as put up $5 million to increase Latino voter turnout. But according to Illinois Sunshine, a database of State Election Board filings maintained by the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, this marks the first time Soros has entered into a political race in Illinois—ever. (Though he has been intervening in local District/State’s Attorney’s races with increasing regularity, donating over $400,000 in a Caddo Parish, Louisiana, nearly the same amount in Mississippi last year alone.)

The huge donations Foxx received didn’t hurt her campaign as others were mostly self-funded campaigns. The Chicagoist article from March of 2016 reports that Foxx’s closest opponent was six points ahead at the time, so the dark money and large donation from Soros certainly helped Foxx to win the election.

The frustrating thing about the dark money groups is that they don’t have to tell who their donors are so you have no clue who’s propping up the candidate. Both sides of the aisle should be disturbed by the anonymity a donor can keep from voters.

By the end of the election, Foxx had received $408,000 from Soros!

Elections have consequences and from this dirty money came a compromised candidate who is beholden to the liberal elites.



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