Donald Trump predicted it in a 2013 tweet. In his tweet, Trump mocked two NY Democrats who destroyed their own careers when they were outed as sexual deviants. Trump also predicted that his nemesis, NY AG Eric Schneiderman would be next. First, Trump mentioned the fall of the pedophile and Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner. Next Trump reminded everyone about the disgraced Democrat Governor Elliot Spitzer, who was forced to step down after he was outed in a disgusting call girl scandal. Trump then (correctly) predicted, that Schneiderman would be next.

Like most things that Trump predicts, he was spot on with his Schneiderman prediction.

NY AG Eric Schneiderman didn’t just hate Donald Trump, he wanted to destroy him. Watch this CNN clip where Schneiderman is mocked by Donald Trump, Jr., and Kellyanne Conway after he spent a large part of his career bragging about multiple lawsuits he’s filed against President Trump:

Now, NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who made himself a spokesperson for the #MeToo movement,  has been outed by journalist Ronan Farrow, as a serial abuser of woman.

So many dreams were shattered by those in the Democratic Party and their allies in the media, when the news of Schneiderman’s horrific abuse of multiple women broke.

Watch, as CNN host Alyson Camerata, a fierce defender of the Democrat Party, appears to be physically ill while Farrow explains how his abuse was covered up over fears that it would harm the Democrat Party.

Here is the Farrow interview in its entirety:

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