As usual, rabid CNN White House reporter, Jim Acosta took things too far today, while President Trump was seated next to Italy’s new Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the Oval Office.

After President Trump wrapped up the press conference, Jim Acosta, the White House reporter from CNN, whose ratings are lower than those of Sponge Bob Square Pants, couldn’t seem to get a grip on himself.

Acosta shouted,  “Mr. President if there is no collusion, why does Rudy Giuliani say there is no crime in collusion?’

A White House aide acted quickly and told Acosta to leave the Oval Office.

“Move, Jim! Let’s go! Keep going, Jim! We’re done,” a White House aide is heard shouting to Acosta.

The Russian collusion narrative is a hoax completely made up out of thin air by Hillary, promoted by Obama’s weaponized FBI and propped up by the media sycophants.

Watch, as  Jim Acosta is repeatedly told to leave the Oval Office and refrain from his rabid line of questioning.  h/t The Gateway Pundit

Jim Acosta has a history of yelling at the President and trying to make every press conference about him.

CNN’s Jim Acosta continued his track record of bad behavior towards President Trump today when during a gathering at the White House he yelled from the back of the room towards the president: “Mr. President, will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people.” It’s obvious that Acosta yelled out from the back of the room for the benefit of the cameras and nothing more. This was clearly a publicity stunt that fell flat on its face…




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