CNN’s Gloria Borger said on Friday the DNC’s  lawsuit  is a “100% stunt” designed to “raise money.”

“They want to get in the act, they want to keep the story moving. This is nothing new. Everyone has been — every Democrat, political Democrat has been charging that the Trump campaign was in collusion with Wikileaks, et cetera, et cetera.”

This is a pretty stupid move by Democrats – Trump says he will now counter (see below) with a request for servers from former DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz and others.

President Trump just tweeted out about this:

Mediaite reports:

The lawsuit alleges the president’s campaign served as a “racketeering enterprise” which essentially colluded with Wikileaks and the Kremlin in an effort to sway the election toward Trump by hacking the Democratic Party’s emails. It also describes the party paying a reported $1 million to repair its operations in the wake of a massive hack that exposed top officials’ private emails during the campaign and created an unending scandal former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign could not seem to dig itself out of.

Still, Borger believed the suit’s main and singular function was to help Democrats continue raising money ahead of the upcoming 2018 election.

“Honestly, it’s just a way to raise money,” she continued. “The Democrats haven’t been having trouble raising money. They’re raising gobs of money for their candidates this time around. I think this is just one more way to get into the act here. And continue what they’ve been doing all along.”

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