It’s hard to imagine a college instructor would call fellow Americans “bad people” for where they live…But it happened.
The UC Berkeley instructor who has taught 11 philosophy courses took to twitter to shame rural Americans and those who aren’t “pro-city.”
How interesting! Hillary Clinton is also on video discussing how the people who voted for her are on the coasts and not in that “red in the middle,” i.e., rural areas (see video below). So there is a true bias out there against people who just happen to live in or are born in rural areas? This captures the liberal elitist thinking like no other example. It shows a dislike for those who aren’t “pro-city.”
Jackson Kernion deleted the tweet but not before there was a screengrab of it:
“I unironically embrace the bashing of rural Americans. They, as a group, are bad people who have made bad life decisions…and we should shame people who aren’t pro-city.”
Here’s Hillary Clinton boasting about how the better people voted for her for president in 2016:
Dismissing America’s Heartland to a foreign audience, Hillary Clinton says states that didn’t vote for her are “backward.”
Clinton brags she won the coasts & places that are “moving forward.”
Long Live Les Deplorables!