Don’t look now, but another National Review “Never Trumper” has discovered how unpopular their “anti-Trump” views are with the Republican Party. Mona Charen, a writer for the notoriously anti-Trump publication, was met with opposition at CPAC as she attempted to shame any woman who refuses to buy into the disproved stories of Donald Trump’s sexual assault accusers.

National Review writer and senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, was asked during a panel about the Left’s treatment of women what has left her most fired up in the Trump era.

“I’m actually going to twist this around a bit and say that I’m disappointed in people on our side for being hypocrites about sexual harassers and abusers of women who are in our party, who are sitting in the White House, who brag about their extramarital affairs, who brag about mistreating women,” she said.

Declining to mention Trump by name, Charen said conservatives are guilty of “look[ing] the other way” when it comes to the president and other Republican men who have faced allegations of sexual misconduct.

“This was a party that was ready to … endorse Roy Moore for Senate in the state of Alabama even though he was a credibly accused child molester,” Charen said.

“You cannot claim that you stand for women, and put up with that,” she told the crowd, as several members of the audience shouted, “Not true!”

Charen’s comments were met with heavy boos inside the conference hall, and she was later spotted leaving the conference with a three-person security detail. –Washington Examiner



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