One of the creepiest and most bizarre aspects of COVID-19 was the dancing nurses who performed choreographed routines on social media.

These medical personnel had time to create in-sync dances yet hospitals were apparently on the verge of collapse.

Watching the dancing nurses felt like living in an insane asylum.

The COVID nurses have returned.

However, they’re dancing to end so-called climate change.

They’re now the climate change nurses.

“Here’s our manifesto Liz. Prioritize the biggest risk. Fires, floods and extreme heat hurt more than just our dancing feet. So no more new fossil fuels. Save money with renewables. Don’t want kids to pay the price. Ignoring scientists advice,” the lyrics read.

“Leaders should be yearnin’ to stop the planet burnin’ so we stay alive, stay alive. Cutting down on carbon will stop our bodies droppin’ so we stay alive, stay alive. We all want to stay alive,” the lyrics continued.

Here’s the creepy dance routine:

And another version on YouTube:

Zero Hedge reports:

Beyond the numerous question on how nurses managed to have time to make so many group TikToks if the hospitals were “overrun” with patients dying of covid as the media asserted for the first year of the pandemic, we must also ask: If they lied about the effectiveness of the mandates, why should we listen to them about climate change?

Not one draconian policy enforced by governments made any difference whatsoever in the transmission of the covid virus. The lockdowns were pointless. The masks were pointless. Social distancing was pointless. And the official median Infection Fatality Rate of covid is a mere 0.23%, which means that 99.8% of people were never under any threat from the disease anyway. These facts were well known by medical professionals by early 2021, yet many of them continued to push the mandates.

Invariably, as the summer heats up so does the hype surrounding climate controls which would do little or nothing to shift the existing state of the Earth’s temps. “Record temps” are often touted, but these records are limited to a short time from of around 140 years of official data (since the 1880s). But what about before then? When we look at the real history of the Earth’s climate, the temps today are incredibly mild. Not only that, but the global warming events of the past all occurred without human involvement.

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