Nikki Haley has continued to diss President Trump after her crushing defeat in her home state of South Carolina.

President Trump won the South Carolina Republican primary with 59.8% of the votes and Nikki Haley with 39.5%.

Keep in mind that this is Haley’s home state.

This is likely the highest we are going to see her lose by!

Despite her defeat, Haley has begun trash-talking President Trump, claiming that because President Trump won by only 60%, this is a sign he will lose against Biden.

Is she a Republican or a Democrat? It seems more likely to be the latter.

See her post here:

ABC News shares more:

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley keeps losing to Donald Trump by double digits but the fact that the former president has only managed to reach 60% of the vote in the contested races so far should be taken as a warning sign, Haley said on Monday.

“Donald Trump as, technically, the Republican incumbent did not win 40% of the vote,” she said in a gaggle with reporters while on the trail one day before Michigan’s Republican primary. “So, what you are looking at is something is shifting and this has been happening for a while.”

Haley was reiterating an argument she has been making more and more, including the previous night in Troy, Michigan: that even though she has yet to win a state in the race for the Republican presidential nomination and her path to catching Trump looks all but gone, a notable minority of conservative voters are signalling that they want someone other than Trump and they deserve an alternative.

“I know 40% is not 50%, but I also know 40% is not some tiny group,” she said on Saturday after losing her home state of South Carolina.

She is trying to drain President Trump’s money by refusing to drop out.

This is purposeful; she’s not dumb.

Here is an article from Fox News that shares Nikki Haley‘s strategy to win over Independents and Democrats:

Nikki Haley is looking to prevent what Donald Trump’s presidential campaign predicts will be an “a– kicking” in her home state of South Carolina Saturday by courting independent voters.

“This is an open primary,” Haley emphasized in a “Fox and Friends” interview this week.

The former two-term Palmetto State governor who later served as U.N. ambassador in the former president’s administration notes that “anybody can vote in the primary, as long as you didn’t vote in the Democrat primary on February 3rd in South Carolina.”

Trump is the 2024 GOP frontrunner as he bids a third straight time for the White House. He grabbed a majority of the votes last month in Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary victories and won by a landslide earlier this month in the Nevada and U.S. Virgin Island caucuses to close in on locking up the nomination.

The final polls in South Carolina showed Trump maintaining a large double-digit lead over Haley, the last remaining major rival challenging the former president.

Independents helped fuel Haley’s 43% showing in New Hampshire, where she lost to Trump by 11 points. But while independent voters have long played a crucial and influential role in the first-in-the-nation primary, they are much less of a factor in South Carolina’s more conservative electorate, where evangelical voters enjoy prominence in GOP contests.

Nikki Haley understands that Republicans aren’t voting for her.

The only people who are voting for her are Independents and Democrats who are hoping that they can get her elected rather than President Trump.

Even in fairy tale land where Nikki Haley wins, all of her ‘voters’ would jump ship and vote for Biden in the 2024 Presidential election.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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