Former Senator Claire McCaskill outraged people on social media when she tweeted out that Dr. Ben Carson was made to squat in the aisle of the Trump campaign plane:

“One of these things is not like the others. Hint: they made him squat in the aisle so he was visible.” Claire McCaskill 

It didn’t take long for responses calling her out for the fake news about Dr. Carson and for calling him a “thing.”  He didn’t have a seat because he was sitting in First Class on the plane.

Donald Trump Jr. set her straight:

Hi Claire,

Two problems with your comment here:

1. Dr. Ben Carson did not have a seat in this picture because he was sitting in First Class on the Trump campaign plane with me and my family

2. Dr. Carson is not a “thing.” The Doctor is a world-renowned, life-saving neurosurgeon and genius.

Don Jr. nailed it when he said:

Anyway, sorry to hear about your Senate seat.

How’s unemployment?


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