After Target pulled a number of its ‘Pride-themed’ items from its shelves due to a conservative boycott, Democrat Attorney General’s in 15 states retaliated by sending them a letter accusing them of ‘succumbing to bullying’ and accusing the boycotters of being ‘hateful and disruptive.’

Target claimed to pull products from its shelves due to threats to its employees.

The letter comes as Target’s stock price has plummeted in recent weeks in the face of political fallout from the boycotts, which raised concerns about products such as female swimsuits that allow people to tuck in their male genitalia, some of which were reportedly marketed towards minors.

Other items that raised flags included pride-friendly books such as ‘Twas’ the Night Before Pride’, books instructing children on how to use proper gender pronouns, and pride-themed onesies for toddlers and babies.

The letters was signed by Democrat attorneys general of Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington state.

The successful boycott of Target happened shortly after a boycott of Bud Light after the company prominently featured transgender ‘influencer’ Dylan Mulvaney in a social media advertisement.

It is not clear why Attorney Generals are sending letters to Target concerning its decision to pull products from its stores, as the letter did not allege any legal wrongdoing.

The Epoch Times Reports

“Democrat prosecutors sent a letter to Target Corp. after it removed some of its “Pride Month” merchandise last month in the midst of boycotts.

A coalition of 15 Democrat attorneys general sent a letter to Target CEO Brian Cornell, saying that the decision to pull LGBT products—including clothing for small children—is a setback for the “march for social progress.”

“While we understand the basis for this action, we are also concerned it sends a message that those who engage in hateful and disruptive conduct can cause even large corporations to succumb to their bullying, and that they have the power to determine when LGBTQIA+ consumers will feel comfortable in Target stores—or anywhere in society,” the group wrote in a letter (pdf) on Tuesday.”

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