Last week, a group of young conservatives waited outside of a Howell, MI debate event for Nancy Pelosi plant, Democrat Elissa Slotkin with a pallet of cash and t-shirts that read: “Slotkin’s Cash For Iran”.

Their objective was to inform Michigan voters of the former CIA analyst, Elissa Slotkin’s involvement in Obama’s secret deal that sent $1 billion in cash to Iran officials.

Slotkin is virtually unknown in Michigan, where she’s asking voters to choose her over the conservative US Congressman Mike Bishop.  Slotkin, who’s never owned a home in Michigan, never paid taxes in Michigan, and never voted in a Michigan election, until her name appeared on the ballot in the August primary election, touts her transparency with voters as a reason to vote for her.

To date, the former CIA analyst has accumulated an astounding $5.5 million in contributions from mostly out of state donations. Like Ted Cruz’s opponent, Beto O’Rourke, most of her campaign contributions are coming from the Soros funded ACT BLUE.  Unions and pro-abortion groups make up a large portion of the donations collected to fund her campaign.

During the debate, Democrat Elissa Slotkin mocked Congressman Bishop for attempting to maintain control on his campaign events. What Slotkin neglected to mention, however, were the Democrat mobs who followed him around during a Christmas parade in his hometown of Rochester, MI, while screaming vulgarities at him. Congressman Bishop was forced to be surrounded by four Sheriff deputy officers due to their threatening behavior. Bishop has repeatedly been followed by Democrat mobs to his car after campaign events where they’ve formed human chains around him, refusing to allow him to leave the parking lot.

Congressman Bishop(R-MI) on left, Democrat Mob member on right.
Democrat mob members block Congressman Bishop (R-MI) from leaving the parking lot of a local event. 

Slotkin mocked Bishop for being cautious about allowing Democrat thugs into his events, saying she would be more willing than her opponent to answer questions from Michigan residents she would represent. Immediately following the debate, Slotkin was asked by a Michigan resident about her involvement in Obama’s shady Iran deal that sent pallets of cash to Iran that ultimately funded terrorism. The Democrat candidate who only moments before at the debate, promised to answer her constituents questions, ran from the question about her involvement in the Iran deal.

Watch what happens when Slotkin is asked a question by a Michigan resident:

In 2014, Senator John McCain went scorched earth on Elissa Slotkin, the US Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for International Security Affairs under Hillary Clinton, during her appearance at the House Foreign Affairs Committee, over her involvement in the pulling out of troops from Iraq, which ultimately allowed ISIS to flourish and grow their terror network in the middle east.

During the hearing, John McCain accused Slotkin of being a liar: “In all due respect to you, Ms. Slotkin, you either don’t know the truth or you are not telling the truth to this committee, because we could have left a stabilizing force behind.”


A majority of funding for Slotkin’s campaign is coming from the Soros funded ActBlue PAC.

An astounding $247K has already been raised for Slotkin’s campaign by the House Victory Project.

According to the New York Times, the House Victory Project is a group of major Democratic donors in New York who have discreetly formed a new political alliance to raise roughly $10 million that would be injected into as many as two dozen key House battlegrounds in an effort to wrest control of Congress from Republicans.

Democrat Elissa Slotkin is #7 on the list of top-funded candidates by the House Victory Project:

The group is focusing on bolstering Democratic candidates in general election battleground races, with the goal of flipping 24 Republican seats to take the House in November.The idea is to win 24 highly curated races,” said Alan Patricof, a venture capitalist and Democratic donor, who said that many of the contributors involved have worked together for decades.
Mr. Patricof said the goal was finding candidates with a “high probability of prevailing” in November

Paperwork to form the House Victory Project was filed last month with the Federal Election Commission and it listed 10 initial Democratic House candidates: Tom Malinowski and Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey; Jason Crow of Colorado; Susie Lee of Nevada; Brad Ashford of Nebraska; Angie Craig of Minnesota; Debbie Mucarsel-Powell of Florida; Elissa Slotkin of Michigan; Elaine Luria of Virginia; and Ann Kirkpatrick of Arizona.

Does Michigan want a Democrat plant, with ties to one of the dirtiest deals in American history, that sent $1 billion in taxpayer dollars to Iran, to represent their state? Do they want a Congresswoman who has no vested interest in their state to represent their best interests, or do they want Mike Bishop, a conservative Congressman who believes we need to build a wall on our southern border, stands behind President Trump and his efforts to bring jobs back to America and openly supports our law enforcement and supports restoring the rule of law in America?


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