As support for the anti-American Democrat Party erodes, support for President Trump, especially among Black Americans and Democrats is seeing a sharp increase.
Rasmussen just released the astounding results of their most recent poll, showing a sharp increase in support for President Trump over the past week, especially among Democrats.
Last week, Rasmussen reported that support for President Trump with Democrat voters was at 14%. This week, 20% of Democrats say they support President Trump, a 43% increase in only one week.

There are a lot of reasons Democrats are turned off by their party’s leadership, not the least of which is that they’re becoming a party they no longer recognize.

Instead of working to keep neighborhoods and communities safe, Democrats have joined forces with the radical left and are pushing to cut funding for law enforcement, leaving citizens to fend for themselves in some of the most crime-ridden cities in America. Instead of the party who fought for the American worker, Democrats are fighting for jobs for illegal aliens. Instead of fighting to keep jobs in America, they’re mocking President Trump and his efforts to bring manufacturing jobs back home to the United States.

The Democrat Party is failing American citizens. They’re a party their members no longer recognize. A lifelong Democrat from the “Democrat city” of Loraine, Ohio, summed up how many in his party are feeling on Monday when he called in to talk to the CSPAN host following the first night of the RNC convention. The Ohio resident explained why he’s leaving the Democrat Party and why he’ll be voting for President Trump.

“I’m a lifelong Democrat; I’m from Lorraine, Ohio, which is a Democrat city in Ohio, and just want to say after watching the convention tonight, on C-SPAN, here, I am definitely changing my vote to Republican, and I tell you what; they just put the Democratic Party to shame.  I’m going to follow the Republican Party, now.”

According to Rasmussen, he’s not the only one…

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