Democrats have been spouting the narrative that DACA recipients are overwhelmingly serving in the military. That’s a lie! Fewer than 900 DACA recipients out of 800,000 are serving in the armed forces. The Democrats have been lying about who makes up DACA but this is a HUGE glaring lie.

Breitbart News reports that fraud is rampant for DACA:

Fraud is rampant and “huge” for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a former official with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency alleges.
Under DACA, nearly 800,000 illegal aliens were given temporary protected status and work permits to remain in the United States. Experts have told Breitbart Texas that during the Obama Administration, background screening was lax.

In an interview with LifeZette, former USCIS manager of the agency’s investigative unit, Matt O’Brien, alleged that the fraud rate for DACA is roughly “40 to 50 percent” and potentially even “higher”:

“Based on what I had seen and what I discussed with my colleagues, the fraud rate is 40 to 50 percent. It’s possible that it was higher,” he told LifeZette this week.

IN CASE YOU WANT MORE INFO ON DACA: WATCH AG Jeff Sessions Explain Why Obama’s Unconstitutional Act Has Harmed Americans
US Attorney General Jeff Sessions brilliantly lays out the case for America and against those who believe it’s okay to break our laws, as long as you have lawmakers who are willing to look the other way…

The Department of Homeland Security will stop processing any new applications for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) program.

“I am here today to announce that the program known as DACA that was effectuated under the Obama administration is being rescinded,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday at a Justice Department news conference.

Sessions was critical of the Obama program implemented through executive order in 2012 to give work authorization and government benefits, like Social Security to nearly a million illegal aliens. – MRCTV

Yesterday, Barack Obama threatened to speak out against President Trump if DACA was rescinded. Does this mean that he will leave his DC bunker with his anti-Trump co-agitator Valerie Jarrett and take a stand against the UNCONSTITUTIONAL DACA act, which Attorney General Jeff Sessions so brilliantly dismantles with this speech? Grab the popcorn…


The brilliant Jessica Vaughan, from the Center for Immigration Studies, shared these important facts about DACA recipients in America, compiled by Harvard University researcher Roberto G. Gonzales, called the National UnDACAmented Research Project. There are important (self-acknowledged) caveats to the findings: The research is based on an online survey of just over 2,000 self-described DACA-eligible respondents and about 200 follow-up interviews. Gonzales believes that for a variety of reasons, the respondents are more educated and well-off than the DACA population as a whole.

Nevertheless, the findings are interesting. Here is a sample:

73 percent of DACA recipients he surveyed live in a low-income household (defined as qualifying for free lunch in high school);
22 percent have earned a degree from a four-year college or university;
21 percent have dropped out of high school;
20 percent have no education beyond high school and no plans to attend college;
59 percent obtained a new job with a DACA work permit, but only 45 percent increased their overall earnings;
36 percent have a parent who holds a bachelor’s degree; and
51 percent were already employed before DACA.
None of this is to suggest that these individuals should not be considered for an amnesty or legalization program, but to suggest that the arguments in favor of such a program are largely political rather than economic. Immigrants who are not highly educated and who are working in low-paying jobs are more likely to access welfare and other public assistance programs over the course of their lives.



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