The Democratic Party has thrown everything it can at conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. In their latest attempt to get rid of him, Democrat lawmakers began calling for his impeachment because of his 25-year-long friendship with conservative billionaire Harlan Crow.
If the Democrats were truly intending to fight corruption in the Supreme Court as they claimed, they would have brought up liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s relationship with book publisher Penguin Random House.
In 2010, Sotomayor got a $1.2 million book advance from Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, which is part of the Random House Group. In 2012, Sotomayor received two advance payments from Knopf which totaled $1.9 million.
In 2013, former Justice Stephen Breyer recused himself from voting on whether or not the court should hear a case against Random House because he had received money from the publisher in the past. Although Sotomayor had also received large amounts of money from the publisher as well, she voted in the decision.
In another case from 2019, a children’s author Jennie Nicassio petitioned the Supreme Court to hear her lawsuit against Random House. Nicassio alleged that the publisher had copied her book and sold a nearly identical version. Coincidentally, on the very same day the petition was distributed to the justices, Sotomayor received a check from Ranodm House for $10,586.
The Supreme Court voted to not hear Nicassio’s case at the end of February 2020. That May, Sotomayor received a major payment from Random House for $82,807.
From 2017 to at least 2021, Sotomayor received yearly payments from Random House itself. These payments totaled over $500,000.
Overall, Sotomayor received about $3.6 million from Penguin Random House or one of its subsidiaries.
Although Justice Breyer received only a tenth of the amount of money Sotomayor got from the publishing company over the same time period, he still recused himself from the cases in which he could have had a conflict of interest.
Meanwhile, hypocritical Democrats are still tearing into Justice Thomas for his and his family’s friendship with Crow. However, there is no evidence or even an appearance of corruption in the outcome of any case.