Never mind the fact that Kid Rock fought for and won full custody of his black son, whom he raised by himself.
Never mind that Kid Rock was chosen to recieve the Detroit chapter of the NAACP’s highest award for service to the black community. He’s still a “racist” because a flag makes him one… Right little Al?
None of that matters to the race hustling crowd who make a living by shaking down citizens for violating their special set of rules. These shake down artists should be in prison, but you’re more likely to find them discussing strategy at the White House or attending a Democrat party fundraiser. In the land of the left, these race baiters play an important role in the victim business, and as we all know, the victim business brings in votes. Watch the “Reverend” Charles Williams II in action:
Megyn Kelly of FOX News delivered a message to her viewers during her show from Kid Rock to Al Sharpton wannabe, “Reverend” William Charles II: