A disturbing, heartbreaking video has gone viral of a Black teenage boy brutally attacking a 9-year-old girl on a school bus. Her 10-year-old brother was also physically assaulted on the same bus ride.

The video shows an older boy repeatedly punching the third-grade girl in the head as hard as he can as she helplessly tried to put her arms over her head to protect herself.

After she had fallen to the floor, another smaller boy joined in, punching her in the head again.

The students attend Coconut Palm K-8 Academy in Homestead, Florida.

“Emotionally, I couldn’t even last two minutes,” said Jenni, the mother of the third-grade girl who was attacked. “I couldn’t look at the video. Like any mother, I am destroyed. I fell to my knees and at that moment I said I have to do something.”

“Another kid came out of nowhere and hit my son and he fell to his knees, and they started to hit him,” Jenni said.



Although her kids have only been enrolled in the school for three weeks, Jenni has already witnessed enough bullying to report it to CBS 4 on Wednesday, mere hours before her children were attacked.

“This needs to be taken care of right away,” the mother insisted. “Our children are in danger at school where we are trusting other people to do their jobs. That’s not justifiable. It doesn’t matter what was said. Our kids need to learn that through violence nothing is resolved.”

Another mother at the school, who asked to remain anonymous, reported that her son has experienced repeated physical bullying. Despite her reporting the incidents to the school, she has been consistently ignored by the teachers and administrators.

“I had to pull my kid out of the school, ’cause that school doesn’t care about their children,” the mother said.

The disturbing video from Wednesday’s bus ride has allowed some justice to finally be pursued against the assailants. It was announced that the 14-year-old boy in the video, who seemed to be the primary offender, has been arrested.

Miami-Dade County Public Schools released a statement, saying, “Miami-Dade Schools Police arrested the offender and they will be charged accordingly. Additionally, those involved will be disciplined according to the code of student conduct.”

The district also said, “The safety and well-being of our students is of the utmost importance. The school district goes to great lengths to promote the values of restraint and respect as well as using social media responsibly. We ask that parents reinforce these principles at home.”

The mother of the two children who were attacked plans to press charges.


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