On Thursday evening, AZ Republican Senate President Karen Fann sent a letter to Maricopa County officials to inform them of three key findings in their ongoing audit of the November 2020 election that Democrats claimed was “the safest and most secure election in history.”

In Senator Fann’s letter to the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, she outlined the 3 critical issues with the Arizona election audit (so far):

  1. To date, attorneys for Maricopa County have refused to produce virtual images of routers used in connection with the general election, relying on a conclusory and unsupported assertion that providing the routers would somehow “endanger the lives of law enforcement officers, their operations, or the protected health information and personal data of Maricopa County’s citizens.” If true, the fact that Maricopa County stores on its routers substantial quantities of citizens’ and employees’ highly sensitive personal information are an alarming indictment of the County’s lax data security practices, rather than of the legislative subpoenas. Separately, Maricopa County has refused to provide the passwords necessary to access vote tabulation devices. Its attorneys’ insistence that the County does not have custody or control of this information is belied by the County’s conduct of its own audits, which, if they were as comprehensive as they purported to be, almost certainly would have entailed the use of the passwords to examine the tabulation devices, and it strains credulity to posit that the County has no contractual right to obtain (i.e., control of) password information from Dominion.
  2. As the audit has progressed, the Senate’s contractors have become aware of apparent omissions, inconsistencies, and anomalies relating to Maricopa County’s handling, organization, and storage of ballots.
  3. We have recently discovered that the entire “Database” directory from the D drive of the machine “EMSPrimary” has been deleted. This removes election-related details that appear to have been covered by the subpoena. In addition, the main database for the Election Management System (EMS) Software, “Results Tally and Reporting,” is not located anywhere on the EMSPrimary machine, even though all of the EMS Clients reference that machine as the location of the database. This suggests that the main database for all election-related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed.

Yesterday, 100 Percent Fed Up and the Gateway Pundit spoke with Arizona State Rep. Jake Hoffman (R) about the state of the current Maricopa County audit from the November election.

During our interview, Rep. Hoffman discussed the refusal of the Dominion Voting Machines to give up the passwords for their machines. He also discussed how the Maricopa Board of County Supervisors has refused to produce virtual images of the routers, explaining that the county explains the reason they can’t share them is that they’ve comingled law enforcement data, individuals private health data, and election data, all in the same system. The AZ Senate President called them out saying if the reason you’re giving us for refusing to share the virtual images of the routers is true, it’s even more disturbing.

Watch the incredible video here:

Almost immediately after we interviewed Rep. Jake Hoffman, Dominion Voting Systems, the company that provided the voting machines in Maricopa County, put out a public statement notifying the Arizona Senate that they would not provide the missing passwords they’re requesting.

KPNX reporter Brahm Resnik tweeted the incredible statement from Dominion, the voting machine company that’s suing or threatening to sue anyone who dares to question the safety or security of their machines, including media outlets who reported on investigations into how secure their systems are and if they are able to be penetrated from the outside.

The statement reads: “Dominion voluntarily provides access to voting machine equipment and information to auditors who have been accredited by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. We happily did so with the EAC-accredited providers that Maricopa County hired for system auditing earlier this year. If Cyber Ninjas went through the process of successfully obtaining EAC accreditation, Dominion would of course cooperate, as we did with all federally accredited auditors.

Dominion continues, as they attempt to discredit the Cyber Ninjas firm hired to investigate the election by the AZ Senate…

“However, not only is Cyber Ninjas unaccredited, but they have also already demonstrated bias and incompetence, including committing a serious breach of the secure chain of custody that protects voting equipment, which has been deemed by the U.S. government as critical infrastructure,” they continued, adding, “Releasing Dominion’s intellectual property to an unaccredited, biased and plainly unreliable actor such as Cyber Ninjas would be reckless, causing irreparable damage to the commercial interests of the company and the election security interests of the country. No company should be compelled to participate in such an irresponsible act.”

So, Dominion can trash the Cyber Ninjas firm in a public statement, but anyone who questions the integrity of their machines will likely be sued by them? Ok…got it.

Is it critical for companies to receive the rubber-stamp approval of the US government’s EAC in order for them to provide a legitimate audit of the vote? Is Dominion’s refusal to provide essential passwords to the auditors a legitimate excuse or is it just one more roadblock, causing Americans to further question the legitimacy of the November election that was anything but the most transparent and secure election in our nation’s history. One look at the clown sitting in our White House who got more votes than any “President” in US history says it all.



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