President Trump criticized Ohio GOP Gov. Mike DeWine for his decision to veto House Bill 68, which prohibits ‘gender-affirming treatments’ in children and bans biological men from women’s sports.

Republican Governor Vetoes Legislation To Prohibit ‘Gender-Affirming Treatments’ In Minors

“DeWine has fallen to the Radical Left. No wonder he gets loudly booed in Ohio every time I introduce him at Rallies, but I won’t be introducing him any more,” Trump said.

“I’m finished with this “stiff.” What was he thinking. The bill would have stopped child mutilation and prevented men from playing in women’s sports. The legislature will hopefully overturn. Do it FAST!!!” he added.


Breitbart reports:

The state legislature passed the Enact Ohio Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act (HB 68) this month.

With the veto, the Republican governor broke from his own party, which overwhelmingly supported the measure. While the GOP-led legislature does have enough GOP seats to override DeWine’s veto, it is not known when or if this might occur, the Associated Press reported.

DeWine showed that he accepted the left’s hysterical claims that opposition to transgenderism causes trans kids to commit suicide.

The governor said he made his veto decision after speaking to medical providers and added, “I’ve also listened to youth and parents. Parents who have told me if not for this treatment, their child would be dead.”

DeWine said, “The consequences of this bill could not be more profound. Ohio would be saying the state, the government, knows better than the two people who love that child the most, the parents.”

DeWine went even further and noted that he is directing his administration to craft rules that would accede to the transgender lobby and try to head off any meddling by the legislature. He also implored the legislature to join him in affirming radical transgenderism for children.

Women’s sports activist Riley Gaines also blasted DeWine for vetoing the legislation.

“If our leaders can’t find it within themselves to protect children and women, it’s time we elect new leaders,” she said.

Breitbart noted HB 68 passed the Ohio House by a party-line 64-28 vote and 24-8 in the Senate.

“DeWine’s veto makes him one of only two Republican governors to veto a restriction on gender-affirming care,” NBC News noted.

The other GOP governor to veto such legislation was former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson in 2021.

DeWine is one of three Republican governors, alongside Utah Gov. Spencer Cox and Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, to veto a trans athlete bill.

In a Friday press conference, DeWine said it was a “gut-wrenching” decision to allow the mutilation of children and it “should not be made by the government, should not be made by the state of Ohio.”

Per NBC News:

More than 290 people signed up to speak at an opposition hearing for the bill earlier this month, including a number of physicians, according to WCMH-TV.

One of them, Dr. Christopher Bolling, a retired pediatrician who spoke on behalf of the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, told NBC News that the bill targets a very small number of adolescents. Bolling practiced for more than three decades and saw thousands of families before retiring last year. Of those, he said he only worked with 20-30 who had persistent gender dysphoria. He referred most of them to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, where he said they reported having positive experiences.

Proponents of restrictions on transition care for minors have cited European countries restricting access to such care. However, Bolling noted that none of those countries have banned it, rather, they are questioning it, which he said all doctors do with all types of care. He said there might be disagreement among doctors regarding how to best treat trans minors, but that disagreement isn’t unique to gender-affirming care.

“You get two pediatricians in a room, we can probably talk about the treatment of an ear infection for four hours, and differences of opinions on how to do it,” he said. “There are going to be differences of opinions on how to do any complicated care and this is complicated care. Having legislators come in to say, ‘This is settled and this needs to be treated this way,’ at this point, is ridiculous. They do it under the guise of saying, ‘Well, we just want to take time and find out if it’s really safe.’ Well, if you’re banning it, you’re never going to figure out if it’s safe either.”

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