Donald Trump said he’s going to demand a drug test from Joe Biden ahead of their scheduled presidential debates.

“I just want to debate this guy, but you know – and I’m going to demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said during his address at the Minnesota Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner in St. Paul, Minnesota.

“I am, no I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union, he was high as a kite,” he added.


The Hill reports:

Trump has previously stated in a radio interview that Biden was “all jacked up” at the beginning of his State of the Union address, as well as “higher than a kite.”

The former president and Biden rapidly agreed to two presidential debates in June and September on CNN and ABC on Wednesday. Biden and Trump now have just a little over a month before they participate in their first debate.

“They gotta be fair, I think they gotta be fair, and if they’re not, you know, you have to deal with it. Right? You have to deal with it,” Trump said at the dinner.

Rep. Greg Murphy (R-N.C.) suggested Thursday that Biden “must’ve been jacked up” when he gave the State of the Union address in March.

Trump’s speech in Minnesota follows his remarks that he has “a really good shot” of winning the reliably blue state.

“It’s been more than 50 years since a Republican won Minnesota in a presidential election,” Fox News stated.

Per Fox News:

Trump lost Minnesota by just 1½ points in his 2016 presidential election victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Four years ago, he lost the state to President Biden by more than seven points in his unsuccessful re-election campaign.

Ahead of the 2020 election, Trump promised a victory in Minnesota, saying that if he lost, “I’m never coming back.”

Fast-forward four years and Trump is back and once again predicting a victory.

“We think we have a really good shot at Minnesota,” Trump emphasized in an interview Wednesday with KSTP, a local TV station in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. “We have great friendships up there.”

Trump added that he’s “worked hard on Minnesota” and that “Tom Emmer is very much involved,” pointing to the House majority whip.

Emmer, who is joining Trump at the state GOP gala, is chairing the Trump campaign in Minnesota even though the former president and his allies helped sink Emmer’s bid last autumn to become House speaker.

Watch Trump’s full speech at the Minnesota GOP Annual Dinner in St. Paul, Minnesota:

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