Liberals took to the streets in London to protest the visit of the very popular President Trump to the UK.

So, why are they protesting President Trump? Most, if not all of them are not sure…

“Orwell and Goode” tweeted a hilarious video of a man? punching a paper mache Trump.  He tweeted: “Trump must literally be shaking”

This is a MUST watch!

LOL! Watch how “angry” this group of misfits are over Trump’s visit to the UK:

Paul Joseph Watson retweeted an image of a hilarious, albeit somewhat confusing, anti-Trump sign that read: “why won’t things stop happening???”

British pro-Trump activist, conservative Twitter master, and editor at Info-Wars, Paul Joseph Watson “outed” the activist behind the ‘Baby Trump’ balloon…Owen Jones, a trust-fund activist who owns a $1.8 billion townhouse in London. Watson also pointed out that they raised more money in 3 days for the “Mayor Sadiq Khan baby ballon” than the trust-fund activist raised in 30 days.

This tweet is priceless! Leftist anti-Trump protesters literally called this Jewish, descendent of Holocaust survivors a “Nazi”.

Spiked News revealed the lack of message and understanding of why these protesters were even protesting President Trump’s visit to the UK: “YES WE CARE.” Here are some photos from today’s anti-Trump protest in London. There was no political message or demand. No clear chants. It just looked like an act of mass middle-class virtue-signaling. “We hate Trump and that makes us good people…

Donald Trump Jr, however, had the best line of the day. He tweeted an image of the “Baby Donald Trump” balloon that billionaire activist, Owen Jones paid to have flown over London in protest of President Trump’s visit. Trump Jr. tweeted: If this is the “resistance” I’m really glad I’m on the non-batshit crazy side. 

By the way, not everyone “hates” Trump in the UK. An anti-Trumper attempted to prove his point that everyone hated Trump by creating a poll to prove his point. Unfortunately, all he did was embarrass himself, as the poll showed 68% of his liberal followers “like Trump a lot”


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