Earlier this morning, we brought you this report below, where President Trump makes clear he is now open to prosecuting Hillary Clinton….

You remember: “LOCK HER UP!”

He passed on it the first time out of a misplaced sense of honoring “decorum” but he’s now making clear he won’t make that mistake again.

If you take a swing at the King, you’d damn sure better make sure you kill him otherwise you’re about to see what happens when you don’t come January 2025.

President Trump Prepping The Public For The Arrest of Hillary Clinton

But it's not just Hillary Clinton.

It's many, many others but there's one rat bastard in particular I'd like to focus on right now.

Because if you're not in crypto, he's not necessarily a household name, but he should be:  Gary Gensler.

Gary has DEEP ties to Hillary Clinton and DEEP ties to "Russiagate".

Take a look at this:

BREAKING: SEC Chief Gary Gensler Was Hillary’s Campaign CFO During Russia-gate Payments!

Gary Gensler is the type of guy who thinks he knows what's better for you than you.

A bureaucratic pencil pusher to the core—Gensler could not survive on his own talents if he was forced to...

Instead he is forced to nourish himself off the hard work and financial affairs of others—the classic definition of a government parasite according to the late and great Ayn Rand.

According to a very illuminating report from ProCoin News, Gary Gensler the current Chair of the S.E.C. was Hillary Clinton's C.F.O. during the Russiagate scandal...

This in no way means that he did anything wrong or that this implicates him in that particular scandal, but perhaps further investigation is needed—he was after all the one tasked with handling the money...

Here's what we currently know:

ProCoin News explains:

Her campaign’s CFO at the time?

Gary Gensler.

Why is this important?

Because many of the allegations made by Durham include the intentional payments of money to promulgate the Russia-gate hoax, and it appears to be inconceivable that those could not have flown through Gensler.

A 2015 report from CNN praised Gensler:

Bart Chilton, a former CFTC commissioner who served alongside Gensler, told CNN that Gensler was an “effective leader” at the agency, adept at juggling the demands of working with lawmakers on Capitol Hill and regulating the financial sector.

“Secretary Clinton will be well served by his financial and strategic acumen,” Chilton said. “I know he’s deeply committed to the Secretary, and to her public policy agenda.”

He LOOKS like a rat because he is a rat.

And I wouldn't shed one tear if this rat ended up in an 8x8 cell.

Legally, of course.  After a full and fair trial.

President Trump Prepping The Public For The Arrest of Hillary Clinton

Is President Trump prepping the general public for the upcoming arrest of Hillary Clinton?  And others?

Liz Crokin and many others say yes.

In fact, President Trump himself is the one saying "yes".

Allow me to show you....

It all comes from his latest interviews, one with Greg Kelly and one with Sean Hannity.

President Trump has previously said when asked about getting retribution on all of his enemies that, quote: "our ultimate retribution is success".

But after the Guilty Conviction came down last week, he's been asked if his opinion has changed and it seems it has.

And I can't fault him for it one bit.

Watch this short clip here:

Hannity tried to bait him last night into saying he wouldn't go after any of his enemies and President Trump did not take the bait:

My friend the Digital Asset Investor points out that not only does this mean Hillary, but never forget the CFO for Hillary's Campaign and the man who allegedly wrote the check for the Steele Dossier was Gary Gensler, our current head of the (very corrupt) SEC:

As much as I can't stand Hillary, I may be even more happy to see that smug bastard Gensler locked up!

The damage he has done to American finance infrastructure with his illogical war on crypto is horrible.

He set us back at least 4 years, but perhaps that was simply the plan all along?

The plan for Elizabeth Warren, Gary Gensler and Joe Biden to protect their buddies in the banking world and "TradFi" (Traditional Finance) to give them time to catch up?

But back to Trump....

Let's be very clear about what he's saying here.

He's saying that he had a very clear path (and evidence) to lock up Hillary Clinton when he took office in 2016 and he choose not to do it.

He thought it would be a very terrible thing to lock up the wife of a former President, even if she was guilty as sin.

So he chose restraint, even in the face of what would have been fair justice.

And I think Hillary is but one example of dozens!  Hundreds even.

So despite all the fear mongering and hand wringing about Donald Trump being a dictator and the "New Hitler" if he got into office, his first four years prove the exact opposite.

But what do Biden's four years tell us?

A completely weaponized Administration.

A DOJ weaponized against Donald Trump, creating crimes where none exist -- even writing and rewriting new laws in desperate attempts to try and "Get Trump".

An IRS weaponized against the American people....

An SEC weaponized against American crypto holders...

And unlawfulness and Unconstitutional moves at every turn.

So now President Trump is asked what will he do?

Turn the other cheek (again)?

Let them off the hook (again)?

How can he do that?

Why would he do that?

Why would anyone want that?

Let me make it very simple and clear here what my position is and what I believe President Trump is saying in these clips:  He is not going to illegally or unlawfully or Unconstitutionally go after anyone.  He is simply going to apply the law and justice equally and fairly.  No more two tiers of justice.  He is not going to find crimes where none exist, but he's no longer going to look the other way out of some sort of ill-placed allegiance to "decorum" because that ship sailed under the Biden Regime.  The Biden Regime opened that door, not Trump.  And Hannity can wring his hands all he wants and try to get Trump to say he won't walk through that door, but I don't think that's what anyone in MAGA wants.  And I think Hannity just exposed himself once again.

Love to know what you think....

RELATED REPORT (from before the Guilty Conviction):

President Trump Explains How He'll Get The "Ultimate Retribution"

President Trump, during his Fox News Town Hall, shared his plan for “ultimate retribution”.

During his Town Hall, Trump shared “We are run by fools. We’re run by stupid people. But we ran it very smart for four years and we won everything. We won everything.”

This led to Fox News host Brett Baierto asking, “You get questions about what a second term’s going to look like when you’re in your rallies. You spend a lot of time talking about retribution, and so there are questions about how much a second term of a Donald Trump presidency, a second term, would be about retribution and looking backward in grievances and how much would be looking forward?”

Trump responded, “Well, first of all, a lot of people would say that that’s not so bad. Look what they did. Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, the FBI Twitter hoax, the 51 intelligence agents hoax. All of these different hoaxes that they did. I mean, a lot of people would say, that’s probably quite normal.”

He concluded, “I’m not going to have time for retribution,” he continued. “We’re going to make this country so successful. Again, I’m not going to have time for retribution. And remember this, our ultimate retribution is success.”

Watch Trump here:

Per ABC:

Donald Trump has made the idea of "retribution" a centerpiece of his 2024 campaign for the White House, telling supporters at rally after rally he would use the full force of the presidency to go after his perceived political enemies.

The rhetoric has stoked alarm among critics that a second Trump term could usher in a wave of authoritarian revenge.

MORE: Trump's unprecedented campaign pitch: Elect me to be your revenge on the government
But on Wednesday night, in a sudden change, Trump backed off the message he's spent nearly a year touting on the stump.

"I'm not going to have time for retribution," Trump said during a town hall with Fox News in Iowa, where he sat down with the network's Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum as his Republican opponents traded attacks on stage at Drake University.

"We're going to make the country so successful again, I'm not going to have time for retribution," Trump claimed. "And remember this: our ultimate retribution is success."

Per The Daily Wire:

Former President Donald Trump said he will not “have time for retribution” during a second term in the White House in an apparent walk-back of comments made earlier in the campaign.

Trump sat with Fox News hosts Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum during a live town hall event in Iowa on Wednesday evening. The Trump event took place as CNN held a debate between Trump’s Republican primary foes, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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