Dr. Birx has been under fire for the past week but Friday, she spoke with Neil Cavuto; in a new admission of her mishandling of the Covid 19 response, she revealed that roughly half of those who died were vaccinated.

“50% of the people who died from the omicron surge were older, vaccinated. So that’s why I’m saying even if you’re vaccinated and boosted, if you’re unvaccinated right now, the key is testing and paxolovid.”Birx said.

Birx addressed Biden’s current bout of Covid, saying those who work around Biden must be regularly tested. When Cavuto asked Dr. Birx why the unvaccinated should take the vaccine if it does not prevent Covid, She said,

“I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection, and I think we overplayed these vaccines.”


Wednesday, Jesse Watters discussed Dr. Birx’s new book in which she talks about the obscure Covid rules- from the “six feet apart rules” and “15 days to slow the spread” Berx admitted these were invented. Birx also confessed that she made up rules on how many people should gather together.

Watters said regarding Birx’s knowledge of the origins of Covid,

“She also admitted that she knew about the lab leak telling the Daily Mail – Covid came out of the Box ready to infect” and “the virus was being worked on by scientist in Wuhan.”



In an excerpt from Birx’s book, she said that the weekly Covid reports that were used to form state guidelines were fake, that she would “write, submit, revise, hide, resubmit,” and that she was using “subterfuge.”

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