While honoring Native American Code Talkers today at the White House, President Trump took a jab at Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is best known for the lie she told to Harvard University on a job application, where she told them she was of Native American heritage, in order to receive special consideration, by allowing her to skip over more qualified candidates simply because of her fake Native American heritage. While running for her Senate seat in Massachusetts, her lie was uncovered, and shortly after that, the name “Pocahontas” was born, and it has stuck with her ever since.

On Monday, the president decided to air the attack one more time alongside aging Native American veterans who helped fight fascism, in a White House ceremony attended by White House chief of staff John Kelly and other officials.


Trump told the honorees, “You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas.”


During his remarks, Trump recalled a time when Kelly asked him: ‘How good were these code talkers?’

‘He said sir, you have no idea. You have no idea what they’ve done for this country. And the strength and the bravery and the love that they have for the country. That was the ultimate statement from General Kelly on the importance.’

The president spoke as code-talkers stood by him at a podium, while another was seated in a wheelchair.

Peter MacDonald, a WWII veteran and former chairman of the Navajo tribe, gave introductory remarks by going through the history of the code talkers in the Pacific theater, including at the battles at Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima. –Daily Mail


Warren immediately began shooting arrows at Trump during an appearance on one of the Democrat propaganda networks, MSNBC.

After huffing and puffing to MSNBC about Donald Trump, and how he took a jab at her dishonesty by calling his “Pocahontas” remark a “racial slur”, (an insult to Pochahontas, maybe, but a racial slur? Sorry Liz, we just don’t see it) the dishonest Democrat Senator and wannabe President, Elizabeth Warren staged a dry run at Donald Trump for the Oval Office. “Look, Donald Trump has done this over and over again in the past, thinking he’s going to shut me up with it. It hasn’t worked in the past, it’s not gonna work now.” Warren exclaimed in her nails-on-a-blackboard voice.  Shut her up with it?


Last year, a video Native Americans made a Youtube video, slamming Warren and her lie about her Native American heritage. Watch:

Warren obviously forgot that only months ago, liberal comedian Bill Maher referred to Warren as “Pocahontas” during an appearance on his show to push her book. Does anyone remember Warren appearing on MSNBC to call Maher’s comments a “racial slur?”



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