Is Elon Musk making a flying car next?

The funny thing is, even asking the question would sound ridiculous for anyone not named Elon Musk.

But for the space man himself?

Not out of the question.

And he teased as much in his infamous interview with Don Lemon, one of the only lighthearted moments of the entire interview.

The interview was hard to watch, not because of Elon (he was remarkably restrained) but because of Don Lemon’s horrible questions, accusatory tone, and overall horrible vibe.

But this was one funny moment.

Elon clearly showed up trying to make it a fun interview, but Don wouldn’t let him.

Here is the short 2 minute clip where Elon teases whether or not the new Tesla Roadster will be a flying car:

Jetsons, anyone?

Backup here:

Ok, so now let’s break it down….

Do I truly believe Elon is building a “flying car”?


At least, not right now.

Perhaps in the future, but I don’t think that’s what this is.

Elon has mentioned in other interviews that the collaboration between SpaceX and Tesla in terms of this Roadster will be to add a “rocket booster” to the back of the car.

Which is freaking cool enough on it’s own!

That’s how the car will achieve 0-60 in 1 second, which is impossible based on physics if the entire propulsion was just through the wheels.

But if you add in a literal rocket boost for propulsion, you can do it.

How it will work and whether it will be “street legal” are entirely separate questions.

Also….I want one!!!

And if you want to see the entire interview…👇

Here Is That Infamous Don Lemon – Elon Musk Interview (Warning: Hard To Watch)

Ok, here it is folks!

You’ve probably heard a lot about it…

Seen clips….

But now the full interview has been released.

It’s “The Don Lemon Show, Episode 1” which is so funny to me because Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson were fired last year during the same week.  Same exact time.

What has happened since then?

One guy got to work.

Tucker interviewed Russia’s President Putin and 80 other people!  (he’s currently on Episode 81).


Don seemingly farted around and is just now getting around to his first show….and even that one he has majorly screwed up so much so that Elon Musk nearly walked out of the interview multiple times and then reportedly cancelled an exclusive deal he was going to offer to Lemon.

After you see the interview, you’ll know why.

It’s HARD to watch.

Really bad.

It’s not an interview like I’ve ever seen before.

Usually when you interview someone, you want to know what they think.

Don didn’t want to know what Elon thought, Don just wanted to interrogate Elon.

It was more cross-examination than interview….and a bad one at that.

In Elon Musk, you have a certifiable genius.

A man who runs multiple successful companies and literally is a “rocket scientist” among other titles.

Lemon struggled to keep up, but even on simple topics.

One of the worst parts was Elon explaining to Don Lemon at least 5 times how imposing DEI standards is and will lead to “lowering of standards”.

Lemon was perplexed.

Elon appeared baffled by the end of it not just that Lemon disagreed but that he seemingly didn’t have a solid grasp of the basic parts of the premise of the question and answer.

More on that down below.

Another incredible part was Elon Musk explaining how an influx of illegal immigration gives more power to big blue states in the Electoral College.

Lemon claimed the opposite was true (and he is wrong) and he made a fool of himself on camera.

Memo to Don Lemon: it’s VERY unlikely you are right about something and Elon is wrong, at least when it comes to objective facts.  I’ll go ahead and assume the rocket scientist is right 999/1,000 times.

The interview is still worth watching, not because of Don Lemon but in spite of him — because Elon is still fascinating to listen to.  Even annoyed Elon.  Honestly, he kept his composure remarkably well.

Here it is on YouTube:

And on X, with time stamps:

And now to address Don’s opinion that DEI will not lead to lowering of standards….

Does this count?

The Bar Exam Will No Longer Be Required To Become An Attorney In Washington State

If you want to become an attorney but don’t want to take that pesky “Bar Exam”, you might want to move to Washington State.

I can’t even believe this is real, and yet it is.

Yeah, you know the BAR EXAM that attorneys spend months studying for, almost around the clock because it’s so challenging?

The thing that makes sure we don’t just have tons of uneducated DEI babies becoming attorneys?

Well, that’s going away.


DEI, of course.

Yeah, who needs stupid little things like licensing tests if not everyone can pass them?

That’s not FAIR, is it?

That’s not EQUITABLE, is it?

Well, actually just as Democrats did with voting, I view this as HIGHLY racist.

What is the message we are sending here?

“Diverse” minorities are not smart enough to pass the Bar?

So in order to “level the playing field” we’ll just get rid of that requirement?

That is WILDLY racist!

How utterly offensive!

It’s just as offensive as when Democrats claim minorities are so dumb and poor and have zero access to any transportation, so you can’t possibly make them get an ID to vote!

What nonsense.

And also wildly racist once again.

The whole thing reminds me of the (horrible) interview Don Lemon did of Elon Musk.

Horrible because of Don Lemon.

Elon is endlessly fascinating to listen to, but this was tough having to wade through Lemon’s cross-examination (not an interview of any normal kind).

But there was one particular point where Elon says DEI will lead to LOWERING of standards, and that will become dangerous.

Don Lemon, who I think is just not very smart, could not comprehend that point:

Elon explained it at least 5 times and Don still couldn’t grasp it.

Not only that, but he claimed there was no evidence of it happening.

Hey Don, here’s Exhibit A.

Does REMOVING the Bar Exam requirement count as evidence DEI is forcing people to lower their standards?

It’s bad enough when it’s the legal field, but that is often not quite life and death.

But mark my words, the same thing either IS CURRENTLY happening in the medical field or it WILL SOON happen.

And that will lead to deaths.

Here’s more on the removal of the Bar Exam, from the Washington Examiner:

The Washington Supreme Court approved multiple new avenues to become a licensed attorney in the state Friday, none of which require taking the bar exam.

The court approved new ways for law students to become licensed attorneys in the Evergreen State. One method is an apprenticeship program for law school graduates who work under an attorney for six months, then submit a portfolio for review. The other option is to complete 12 credits of skills coursework, 500 hours of hands-on legal work prior to graduation, and submit a portfolio for the Washington State Bar to review.

“These recommendations come from a diverse body of lawyers in private and public practice, academics, and researchers who contributed immense insight, counterpoints and research to get us where we are today,” Washington Supreme Court Justice Raquel Montoya-Lewis said in a statement. “With these alternative pathways, we recognize that there are multiple ways to ensure a competent, licensed body of new attorneys who are so desperately needed around the state.”

Law clerks can also become lawyers without going to law school by completing standardized education courses under the guidance of an attorney and 500 hours of work as a licensed legal intern.

In 2020, the Washington Supreme Court created the Bar Licensure Task Force to examine alternative paths to becoming a licensed attorney in the state. The task force looked at the “efficacy of the Washington state bar exam” and assessed “disproportionate impacts on examinees of color and first generation examinees.”

While Washington’s alternative licensing program has a DEI element, states with similar programs have implemented their programs for other reasons.

California is considering DEI as a barometer for expanding its licensing program that would help students “avoid the heavy expense of preparing for the traditional bar exam — a burden that falls disproportionately on historically disadvantaged groups, including first-generation graduates, women, and candidates of color,” according to Reuters.

The new avenues to becoming licensed address the “serious legal deserts problem” in Washington and “help remedy the fairness and bias concerns with the traditional licensure,” according to Seattle University School of Law Dean Anthony Varona, co-chair of the task force.

Washington joins Oregon, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire as the fourth state that no longer requires the bar exam to become a licensed attorney. Supreme courts in California, Minnesota, and Utah are considering similar moves.

The court’s order did not say when the new methods will be implemented, but directed the Washington State Bar Association to create a committee to work on implementation.

How utterly offensive to claim minorities are not smart enough to possibly pass the Bar Exam.

Stop this madness!

America stands for Equality of OPPORTUNITY, not Equality of OUTCOME.

Learn the difference.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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