Hedge fund manager and macro-economic expert Hugh Hendry has alerted the banking system and the American economy as a whole.

Article by Belle Carter, republished with permission from Naturalnews.com

“President Joe Biden’s administration may be looking at ways to lock down your checking account, literally ban withdrawals from the banking system,” he warned.

In a new interview on Bloomberg Markets, Hugh Hendry said that mass panic and capital flight away from the United States’ banking sector is entirely justified. He added that a further decline in the M2 money supply could convince the U.S. government to step in and prevent citizens from taking their capital out of the banking system. M2 is a measure of the money supply that includes cash, checking deposits and other deposits readily convertible to cash.

“Sometimes it’s kind of relevant to panic. I would recommend you panic… You’ve seen the biggest waterfall decline in M2 right now,” said Hendry. “M2 is deposits, not loans. That’s the deposits fleeing the system and going into money market funds.”

He pointed out how the administration has been driving the economy to this situation. Hendry added that the bureaucrats Biden has installed in the federal government have already moved to force Americans to buy electric cars, limited the kinds of appliances they can buy, censored the questions they can raise about fair elections and much more.

“Now the next step could be your bank account,” the economics guru said. “This could reach a crescendo where the Treasury and the Fed may have to come in and actually restrict your right as a U.S. citizen to pull money out of the U.S. banking sector.”

He also explained that capital flight from banks is not solely about fears of whether the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation will insure deposits above $250,000, and a blanket guarantee on deposits would not solve the problem. According to Hendry, there is capital flight, deposit flight from the banking sector seeking yield. He said he is scared that as in 1934 the Federal Reserve Act confiscated gold from U.S. citizens. And so, he advised that when it comes to where Americans can place their capital amid the uncertainty, his go-to are U.S. Treasuries and potentially Bitcoin.

“It’s time to own the most reviled security in the universe, the ultra-long Treasuries. I know you all think we’ve got an inflation problem. It was a supply shock, and a supply shock needs the manifestation of more and more bank printing of loans to propel it into the future. We’re getting the opposite. The ultra longs are trading two to three standard deviations below the ETF,” he said.

Even former President Donald Trump has long been warning that once people put their money in banks, the money is no longer theirs and the system will find a way to not give it back.

“Our currency is crashing and will soon no longer be the world standard,” Trump said. (Related: 1.8M fraudulent transactions led banks to close accounts of innocent customers without warning or explanation.)

Shock-proof assets

Treasuries are considered more reliable and safer assets since the government backs them and they come with a fixed interest rate for the life of the bond. Bitcoin is a potential winner as well, with Hendry predicting it could trade three or four times higher in the next five years.

“There is no other asset class that I could make that determination,” he said.

An article on Moneywise suggested two more shock-proof assets. First is real estate, which has long been an excellent hedge against inflation and it could be a safe bet when other financial assets face turmoil. While you could become a landlord and rent out a spare room for some passive income, there are other ways to invest in real estate that don’t come with the hassles of hosting. For example, real estate investment trusts own various properties such as apartment buildings, shopping centers and cell towers, and many are publicly traded on the stock exchange. Also, crowdfunding platforms, which allow investors to own a percentage of physical real estate.

Another one is the precious metal, gold. There are several ways for you to bank on gold while cash could veer out of reach. The first tried-and-true method is to just buy solid gold, whether that’s in jewelry, bars or coins. Just keep in mind that prices can be notoriously difficult to predict, and you’ll also need to pay extra fees if you’re keeping your gold with a special custodian or broker. Your next option is to buy gold mining stocks or invest in gold ETFs through an investing app or broker.

Watch the video below that talks about an incoming banking crisis.

This video is from Thrivetime Show channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

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Iraq to BAN cash withdrawals and transactions in U.S. dollars starting next year.

NatWest bank issues further de-banking measures with new cash limits, prompting criticism from de-banked Nigel Farage.

Sources include:






Thousands DENIED Access To Bank Withdrawals In Australia

REPORT: RBC Bank In Canada REFUSES To Allow Customer To Withdraw His Own Funds!

WARNING: U.S. Government May Freeze American Bank Withdrawals

Noah here and I'm going to keep shouting these warning from the rooftop until everyone hears them.

Like a watchman on the wall.


Because it's very possible your money may not be safe.

Where's the safest place to put your money?

For decades, we were raised and taught the answer to that question was "in a bank".

And for decades that answer was correct.

But what if one day the bank just says -- sorry!  It's not your money anymore!  -- and refuses to let you take it out?

That's not just random speculation by me, many experts are warning that's coming.

In fact, it already has a name:  "bail-ins".

Check this out:

And from Stew Peters:

Here's more, from The Daily HODL:

In a new interview on Bloomberg Markets, Hendry says mass panic and capital flight away from the US banking sector is entirely justified.

Hendry says a further decline in the M2 money supply, which in part tracks money in liquid checking accounts, could convince the US government to step in and prevent citizens from taking their capital out of the banking system.

“Sometimes it’s kind of relevant to panic. I would recommend you panic… You’ve seen the biggest waterfall decline in M2 right now. M2 is deposits, not loans. That’s the deposits fleeing the system and going into money market funds.

That could reach a crescendo where the Treasury and the Fed may have to come in and actually restrict your right as a US citizen to pull money out of the US banking sector.”

Hendry says capital flight from US banks is not solely about fears on whether the FDIC will insure deposits above $250,000, and a blanket guarantee on deposits would not solve the problem.

“There is capital flight, deposit flight from the banking sector seeking yield. I fear that, I don’t say this lightly, but in 1934 the Federal Reserve Act confiscated gold from US citizens.

We’re at the point where the Fed and Treasury officials I’m sure are having to consider a gate a lock on US bank deposits.”

You can watch that full video here:

But it's not just these people warning you...

How about President Trump himself?

That's right, check this out:

TRUMP: "Our Currency Is Crashing And Will Soon No Longer Be The World Standard..."

President Trump said something VERY interesting in his historic speech last night.

Many very interesting things actually.

Historic speech.

But one thing really jumped out to me because we've been covering it here a lot.

And that is the crash of the U.S. Dollar.

Bo Polny was one of the very first people to ever talk about this, telling me on my show over 2 years ago that it would happen.

Back then people laughed.

Said Bo was crazy.

And now?

Now you have President Donald John Trump telling you point blank.


Watch this:

More here:

As always, I never like to just leave you with a problem...

Leave you feeling helpless...

Nah, that's not what we do here.

I like to give you solutions!

And on that note I have just one question for you:  "Got Gold?"

Got God's money?

Might be wise.

Read this:

Gold Is About To Become "Unobtainium"?

In the history of the world, it usually hasn't been a bad idea to secure some of your assets in "God's money" a/k/a Gold.

And boy do I have a big update for you on that.

Here are two of the best, Steve Quayle and Greg Hunter.

I always love listening to these two chat, even though they got a little chippy at the end, with Quayle chipping back "Did you not just hear me?"

That's ok, stress and tensions running high.

But there was a LOT in this one and I will try to summarize a couple main points.

First, Quayle points out that China has been absolutely DUMPING U.S. Treasuries in recent months, and then accelerating the sales this week.

According to Quayle, they dumped so much this week they sold them for 15 cents on the dollar just to get out.

As Bo Polny keeps warning us, a failure of the U.S. Dollar (USD) $ is coming and this is how you get a failure.

When the second largest holder of U.S. Treasuries rage quits the market and dumps them at fire sale.

Take a look at this:

Ok, so to everyone who just tuned out when I started talking about Treasuries, let me explain to you why this matters.

DISCLAIMER: no, I am not a Financial Advisor and I'm definitely not YOUR Financial Advisor.  But I am a reporter and I report it like I see it.  Fair and honest.

Because the US Dollar is likely going down hard....

But that also means Gold is likely about to Moonshot.

Check this out:

As for that last one, that would be going from $2,000/oz to $8,000/oz.

We call that a 4x move, or a 400% gain.


You can watch the full interview here on Rumble:

If you already have gold, that's great!

For everyone else....keep reading:

A Faith-Driven, Conservative Precious Metals Company You Can Use With Your IRA!

For the last year, central banks across the globe have been buying up as much gold (and often silver) as they can acquire without raising alarm bells. Now, we see why.

The recent bank runs and ongoing collapse of the U.S. banking system was anticipated by the "elites" and the central bankers who run things behind the scenes. They saw it coming and knew the best way to protect their assets was through physical precious metals.

If you've been waiting for me to bring you a solution about what YOU can do to protect yourself and you're family, I'm happy to introduce you to something I absolutely love!

Precious metals.

I just talked about precious metals this week with Bo Polny and now I'm bringing you a solution that you can utilize right away if you're so inclined...

faith-driven, conservative precious metals company is currently helping Americans tap into the rising precious metals market through self-directed IRAs backed by physical precious metals. And while this service is not unique to Genesis, their adherence to Biblical stewardship of money makes them singularly qualified to receive a sponsored recommendation from this site.

Unlike most companies offering similar services, Genesis deals only with physical precious metals. They do not offer "virtual" or "paper" gold or silver.

With Genesis and their depositories, customers can see and touch the precious metals that back their retirement accounts. When it comes time to take distributions, Genesis customers can cash in some or all of their precious metals or have them delivered to their door.

Central bankers aren't slowing down. In fact, nations like China and even U.S. states like Tennessee are quickly but quietly buying up gold to back their own treasuries. When the writing on the wall is this clear, it's understandable why these governments are moving quickly to get ahead of any potential economic catastrophes in store.

Working with Genesis is the best way our readers can explore the physical precious metals market through self-directed IRAs. It benefits us as well when our readers work with this America-First company.

Visit genesiswlt.com or call 866-292-0443 today.

Don't wait too long, we might have more bank failures right around the corner.

You know what has NEVER "failed"?

Gold.  Precious metals.  Indestructible.

There's a reason they call it "God's money".

Watch this for more:

Stay safe!

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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