Time for a Fact Check!

A story is going viral on Twitter in the TRENDING section claiming that Kamala Harris caused a hit-and-run in 2011 that left a woman paralyzed.

Take a look here for example:

And here:

And this from an alleged local TV news station report:

Longer video here:

But….is it true?

Look folks, I don’t like Kamala Harris anymore than any of you do, but we do NOT spread fake news.

And this had my red flags up the moment I first heard it.

Think about it….do you really think Kamala Harris was in some big Hit-and-Run and this is the first we’re now suddenly hearing about it?

But yet this News Report and video has just been out there this whole time?

Doesn’t make any sense.

Twitter’s Community Notes has come to the same conclusion, listing all the problems with the story and what appears to be very conclusive proof that the story is a big old fake:

I also confirmed there is no KBSF Tv Station anywhere in California.

See here:

Come on folks, we’re better than this.

Feel free to share this FACT-CHECK, but don’t share any of the fake posts on Twitter.

Thank you!

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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