Ok folks, a story has been going viral today about the strange woman in the crowd directly behind Trump while he was speaking at the infamous Butler, PA Rally before he got shot.

She was noticed by people because she appears completely unfazed by the gunshots, as if she knew they were coming and would not hit her.

I’m not saying she DID know that, I’m just saying that’s what some people are saying it looks like.

So then people started digging to see who she was and this morning the Internet was buzzing with people claiming she was FBI Assistant Director Janeen Diguiseppi:

Dom Lucre seemed fairly confident it was her:

You sometimes have to laugh at the names involved in things.

Like I know someone who’s doctor used to be “Dr. Pressure”.

Or a Dentist I know named “Dr. Pick”.

Or the alleged assassin here named “Crooks”.

And then this lady, the lady who seems disguised in hat and sunglasses almost as if she’s undercover, and her name looks almost like “Disguised”?

Fate loves irony.

But….is the woman behind Trump actually Assistant FBI Director Diguiseppi?

There was a reason I didn’t cover this story in the morning….I wanted to wait for the dust to settle.

And it has now been confirmed that this is NOT the same woman at the FBI Director.

The FBI has categorically denied that the woman in the crowd was Diguiseppi:

NEW: The FBI says the woman behind Trump during his PA rally is *not* FBI assistant director Janeen DiGuiseppi after online users started spreading the bogus theory.

Blurry video footage went viral where online users claimed the woman in the video was DiGuiseppi.

Despite not even being able to see her full face, online users claimed with no evidence that the woman was the Assistant Director of the FBI’s Insider Threat Office.

“The allegations circulating on social media about an FBI executive and the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania are categorically false,” an FBI spokesman said to the Daily Mail.

Collin Rugg himself says to his eyes they don’t look similar:

But we can’t stop there….

Because simply having the FBI deny it doesn’t totally provide assurances, as I see many of you posting online “Of course that’s what the FBI would say.”

So I ran the images through face-comparison AI technology.

First I compared these two:

And the results came back:  NOT THE SAME PERSON

Then I compared these two:

And although the results rose to 44% similarity, it still came back: NOT THE SAME PERSON

So there you have it folks.

Looks like this one is debunked.

HOWEVER….the one thing that isn’t debunked is that to many people, her reaction seems cold, calculating and just plain odd, as if she was not surprised in the slightest.

We all respond to crisis differently, but one remaining mystery does appear to be her odd response.

Your thoughts?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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