It’s not inconceivable that Ron DeSantis would have been tipped off about the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago as the sitting Governor in that state in a high profile situation.

But that would be in normal times.

Coordination by the Biden Regime to a top red state Governor strikes me as unlikely.

So I was very surprised to see this posted today from Laura Loomer:

I want to make clear I don’t mean to pick on Ms. Loomer, I think she does EXCELLENT work….

But I did raise an eyebrow when I saw this and said hold up, let’s double check that.

So I Fact-Checked it and wanted to show you what I found.

First of all, I will say that the Tweet in question from “Leskov Brandonovic” did not seem extra credible to me.

There is no context given for what this document is we are reading from.

And if you read the part shown, it reads like a child wrote it.

“Cyberspace Command”?  Who or what is Cyberspace Command?

And it’s not even a grammatically correct statement.

So I was extremely skeptical already.

Then I asked Grok, who confirmed my suspicions were correct — there is no credible evidence of this happening:

Let’s be very clear on one thing, this doesn’t mean it did NOT happen, it just means this is not credible evidence that it did happen.

I’m not a huge Ron DeSantis fan, but we don’t fabricate stories around here — we report fairly and honestly.

In a related story, I reported earlier today that we DID learn this today:

BREAKING: Unsealed Documents Reveal The FBI Authorized Use of “Deadly Force” During Mar-a-Lago Raid

We just learned more information about the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago, and it’s not good.

Thanks to U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon unsealing many documents in the case, we just learned that the FBI authorized the use of Deadly Force during the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

Take a look:

Zoom in:

The documents related to the Mar-a-Lago raid in August 2022 were ordered to be unsealed by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon. Judge Cannon has been presiding over the case involving former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents and the FBI’s search of his Mar-a-Lago estate. The decision to unseal these documents is part of the legal proceedings and the public’s interest in the case, balancing the need for transparency with the need to protect ongoing investigations and national security interests.

But that wasn’t all we learned…

Julie Kelly has been doing some excellent reporting on this and here is a summary of the high points of the newest revelations:

Zoom in:

Call me crazy, but if I didn’t know any better I would almost think they were HOPING for a confrontation.  Looking for one.

Of course, President Trump and his staff was far too wise and far too calm and collected to give that to them.

MAGA is the side of peace!

If you’d like to see more of the unsealed documents, here is a good link:

We’ll continue to monitor the story and bring you updates.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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