We love this guy! Factory worker Keith Ketzler: For eight horrible years I heard, ‘We don’t have control of the House. We don’t have control of the senate. We don’t have the presidency and when we get in we got a plan and we’re going to change stuff.” Well I tell you what, you’re in there now and all I see is infighting. It’s very dysfunctional.
This guy just said whatever American would like to say to Paul Ryan! Notice how the answer was just more rhetoric…blah, blah, blah…All talk and NO ACTION!
Paul Ryan is in the back pocket of the Chamber of Commerce and other special interest groups. He’s talking out of both sides of his mouth. He needs to go!
AUDIO RELEASED: Paul Ryan Caught On Tape: “I am not going to defend Donald Trump…not now, not in the future”
We all know Paul Ryan was no fan of President Donald Trump while he was running for office. Sadly, unlike the Democrats who held their noses and went “all in” for Hillary, our Republican Speaker of the House went out of his way to NOT support Trump during his highly contentious campaign. Now that a new audio tape has emerged, proving that Ryan went out of his way to make sure his colleagues in the House understood that he would “never” support Trump, this leaves Ryan looking pretty foolish considering the public support Trump has offered Ryan and his increasingly unpopular “Obamacare Lite” proposal.
On a never-before-released private October conference call with House Republican members, House Speaker Paul Ryan told his members in the U.S. House of Representatives he was abandoning then-GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump forever and would never defend him ever again.
In the Oct. 10, 2016 call, from right after the Access Hollywood tape of Trump was leaked in the weeks leading up to the election, Ryan does not specify that he will never defend Trump on just the Access Hollywood tape—he says clearly he is done with Trump altogether.
“I am not going to defend Donald Trump—not now, not in the future,” Ryan says in the audio, obtained by Breitbart News and published here for the first time ever.
Now, Ryan—still the Speaker—has pushed now President Donald Trump to believe his healthcare legislation the American Health Care Act would repeal and replace Obamacare when it does not repeal Obamacare. Ryan has also, according to Trump ally Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), misled President Trump into believing that Ryan’s bill can pass Congress. Paul and others believe the bill is dead on arrival in the U.S. Senate since a number of GOP senators have come out against it, and there are serious questions about whether it can pass the House. This is the first major initiative that Trump has worked on with Ryan—and the fact it is going so poorly calls into question whether Speaker Ryan, the GOP’s failed 2012 vice presidential nominee who barely supported Trump at all in 2016, really understands how Trump won and how to win in general.
The October conference call apparently was intended only for House Republican members. It’s unclear which or how many House Republicans took part in the call, whether the participants knew it was being recorded, who made the recording, or whether a recording exists of the entire call. The remarks on the portion provided to Breitbart News certainly sound like they were coming from Speaker Ryan, who seemed to be abandoning his party’s presidential nominee altogether just weeks before the election. He says not only will he not defend the Access Hollywood comments, but he will not campaign with Trump at all between this call on Oct. 10, 2016, and the general election for the presidency on Nov. 8—and that Ryan would not defend Trump on anything generally. For entire story- Matthew Boyle, Breitbart News