Yesterday we reported on the Fani Willis corruption scandal that appears to be breaking open…

Today it just got worse.

If you missed yesterday’s report, you can find it here and I will also post it down below:

BREAKING: Fani Willis Faces Hearing On Misconduct!

Now here's the latest....

According to newly discovered bank statements, Fani's alleged lover Nathan Wade bought plane tickets in her name....that's a big no-no:

More here:

Here's a summary of what has come in so far:

The Daily Caller reported these additional facts:

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ alleged lover and outside counsel Nathan Wade purchased plane tickets in her name, according to a Friday court filing obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Bank statements contained in a Friday filing by Wade’s wife, Joycelyn Wade, show Wade purchased tickets to Miami and San Francisco in Willis’ name. The statements back up allegations contained in a motion filed last week by one of former President Donald Trump’s co-defendants that Wade used money earned from the “lucrative” contract Willis signed off on to take her on vacations.

The motion alleged “Willis and Wade have traveled personally together to such places as Napa Valley, California, Florida and the Caribbean and Wade has purchased tickets for both of them to travel on both the Norwegian and Royal Caribbean cruise lines.” The statements contained in Friday’s filing also include payments for Royal Caribbean and Norwegian Cruise Lines.

Two $1,387 and $1,284 payments for the Royal Caribbean cruise were made on the same day, Oct. 4, 2022, as payments for the airline ticket to Miami in Willis’ name. The plane tickets to Miami cost $477 each, per the bank statements.

The pair of plane tickets to San Francisco purchased on April 27, 2023, cost $817 each, according to the statements

Wade filed to divorce his wife on Nov. 2, 2021, the day after his contract with the District Attorney began. His wife alleged in prior filings that he did not disclose his earnings from the county to her but continued to draw from her bank account.

Wade’s firm has been paid nearly $654,000 from the Fulton County District Attorney’s office since 2022, county data shows.

Here was our prior report from yesterday:

BREAKING: Fani Willis Faces Hearing On Misconduct!

Things are heating up!

Are the hunters about to become the hunted?

You know what they say, if you take a swing at the King, you'd better not miss!

Joe Biden, Jack Smith, Letitia James, Fani Willis....they've all taken big swings.

But one by one they're missing, and now it appears the boomerang may soon be headed right back to them!

I call it the Trump Boomerang Effect and it's now pointed squarely at Fani Willis.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis will appear for a Feb. 15 hearing regarding allegations that she had an improper relationship with her lead prosecutor.

Uh oh!

If you go after the King, #1 is you'd better not miss, but #2 is you'd better be squeaky clean yourself!

And it turns out she isn't, at least ALLEGEDLY, according to new allegations.

She'll be facing a hearing soon and the truth might just come out!

Here we go!

Watch this:

Here's more, from Fox News:

Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee scheduled the hearing on Thursday. Willis has spearheaded the prosecution of former President Trump in his indictment on election interference charges.

Court documents filed earlier this month say Willis hired special prosecutor Nathan Wade, her alleged romantic partner, to prosecute Trump and benefited financially from the relationship in the form of lavish vacations that the two went on using funds his firm received for working the case.

Willis has not confirmed or denied the claim, but she suggested she and Wade are being scrutinized because they are Black.

Willis spoke about the matter for the first time on Sunday at the Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta.

"They only attacked one," she said. "First thing they say, ‘Oh, she’s gonna play the race card now.’

"But no God, isn’t it them that’s playing the race card when they only question one," Willis asked.

Trump’s co-defendant in the Georgia case, Michael Roman, accused Willis and Wade of having an "improper" and "clandestine" affair at the same time that appointments were being made for the 2020 election interference case.

More here:

Revolver News shared this:

It all started with that alleged affair that Big Fani had with her lead investigator, who was looking into President Trump. That man’s name is Big Fani, and it doesn’t sound like she’s denying the affair, which left this man’s poor wife destitute.


Fani Willis appeared to refer to allegations that she had an affair for the first time, as she gave a speech in church.

A lawsuit brought against Willis by one of the co-defendants in the Donald Trump case, which the Fulton County district attorney is in charge of, alleges she “engaged in a personal, romantic relationship” with prosecutor Nathan Wade. Brought by Michael Roman, it claims Willis “personally benefited from” from the alleged affair, meaning she acted “to defraud the public of honest services.”

“I hope for y’all this week I don’t look like what I’ve been through,” Willis said, as she addressed the Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta, Georgia, ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. She didn’t explicitly talk about the allegations, or deny them.

While Roman’s case hasn’t yet presented evidence to support the allegations, Willis called herself “flawed and imperfect” during an emotional speech, adding that she had faced death threats and experienced “loneliness.”

It was during this church speech that Fani claimed she paid everyone the same amount. The Newsweek piece goes on:

The three prosecutors hired were all paid the “same hourly rate,” according to Willis in her church speech, but Wade is accused of benefiting financially and “being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to prosecute this case on her behalf.” Roman said Wade is also inexperienced.

County records seen by The Hill show Wade was paid legal fees of $654,000 from 2022 to 2023 in relation to the Trump case.

The filed motion continued: “[Wade] will continue to be incentivized to prosecute this case based on his personal and financial motives, so he has acquired a unique and personal interest or stake in Mr. Roman’s continued prosecution. That is, he is motivated to prosecute Mr. Roman for as long as possible because he will continue to make exorbitant sums of money.”

In her speech, Willis suggested there was racial motivation behind the attacks against her.

It sounds like Fani the homewrecker is trying to play the sympathy card.

But the alleged affair and her church comments have landed Big Fani in a heap of trouble. As people dig deeper into her business dealings, more lies and inconsistencies are surfacing. For example, Fani said at church that she paid all her “special prosecutors” equally. However, the contracts from Fulton County paint a very different picture. Ironically, John Floyd, the most seasoned among them and an expert in RICO law, received the least compensation, and he’s also the only white guy on the team. It seems like Fani might be running her own version of a DEI program in Georgia, to boot.

But it wasn’t just a little bit less; Big Fani reportedly undercut expert John by a lot. Meanwhile, she overpaid the guy she was having an affair with, who supposedly used the money to take her on BIG vacations.

What do you think?

NATIONAL POLL: Should Fani Willis Be Disbarred?

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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