An FBI agent pleaded guilty to destroying exculpatory evidence which would have exonerated framed Trump ally and political prisoner

Arkansas’s former State Senator Jon Woods was a staunch ally and supporter of President Trump. He was even the first elected official in Arkansas to endorse Trump in 2016.

Two years later, he was sentenced to 18 years in federal prison for obtaining funds to donate to a Christian school in his home state, which the government alleges was done “fraudulently” under false pretenses.

Former State Senator Jon Woods remains in federal prison despite proof that exculpatory evidence was willfully destroyed by the FBI

However, there was exculpatory evidence which would have exonerated Woods. And that evidence was destroyed by an FBI agent–and the court, even the appellate court, knew about it.

Former FBI agent Robert Cessario, the lead agent in Woods’s case, just pleaded guilty to the charge of “corrupt destruction of record in an official proceeding,” That is, he admitted to paying for a business to wipe a hard drive so as not to allow for the forensic examination of a computer.

From the Gateway Pundit:

In the plea deal, Cessario stated: “I erased the contents of the computer hard knowing that the court has ordered that the computer be submitted for a forensic examination. I did so with the intention of making the contents of the computer’s hard unavailable for forensic examination. At the time, I knew that the contents of the hard drive were relevant to an official proceeding, that is, Cause No. 5:17-CR-50010, United States v. Woods et al. I corruptly performed and had performed, the erasures with intent to impair the integrity and availability of the computer hard drive and its contents for use in that official proceeding.”

The courts knew about this but still denied Woods’s appeal in 2020.

Woods remains in prison to this day, with a release date set in 2034. Reportedly, Woods is often harassed and abused by prison staff and was once put in solitary for 8 months for absolutely no reason.

Jeremy Hutchinson, son of RINO Governor Asa Hutchinson and a State Senator alongside Woods. was also involved in this case.

One source said, of the Hutchinsons,

“Asa is kissing DOJ and FBI a** because his son is in trouble, that’s why he’s praising the FBI and going after Trump. Hutchinson’s son was a Christian pro-lifer who cooperated with the corrupt DOJ and it was later revealed he used funds paid to him as an FBI informant to fund his stripper girlfriend’s abortion.”

The corruption of the never-Trump camp, including especially the DOJ and FBI, has been coming fully into light recently. The case of Jon Woods is just one such example of the war on patriotism.

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