Apple has been at the forefront of the woke turn that corporations have taken since 2020.  Earlier this year, Apple pledged $100 million to various woke causes in its ‘Racial Equity and Justice Initiative’.

Just last week, Apple released an emoji for all of its devices that depicts a pregnant man.

Apple’s interest in inserting itself into social issues in the United States doesn’t match up with its human rights record in China, where it has routinely assisted China in suppressing free speech and freedom of religion.

Apple aided the Chinese government in banning the Quran and Bible by removing them from their apps, as well as removing U.S news sources from its app store.

Today, an FEC Commissioner criticized Apple CEO Tim Cook for his hypocrisy after the CEO said that the company was committed to privacy and human rights at a conference last week.

The Epoch Times Reports





“A Federal Communications Commission (FCC) commissioner has called out Apple CEO Tim Cook for hypocrisy, arguing that his company’s dealings with the Chinese communist regime contradicts his own words about commitment to human rights in a speech in Washington.

“I am concerned that your words in Washington founder upon the harsh reality of your actions in China,” Brendan Carr, the senior Republican on the FCC, wrote in a letter to Cook dated April 20.

Carr was referring to Cook’s keynote speech at the 2022 International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Global Privacy Summit on April 12. During his speech, Cook spoke about how “privacy is a fundamental human right” and touted Apple’s “commitment to protecting people from a data industrial complex, built on a foundation of surveillance.”

“Indeed, at the very same time that you were speaking in D.C. about your App Store policies promoting privacy and human rights, your company was continuing its well documented campaign in Beijing of aggressively censoring apps at the behest of the Communist Party of China,” Carr wrote.”

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