Bidenomics seems to have completely missed the mark or is working as intended depending on who you ask.

The ongoing banking crisis, record inflation, and unsustainable levels of national debt all threaten to completely upend the financial system.

To add to the growing list of economic problems, the Federal Reserve has issued a warning regarding hedge funds shorting U.S. debt.

According to data from the CFTC, hedge funds are now shorting treasuries at relative all-time highs and experts warn that this may lead to another 2020-style implosion.

Barchart shared this startling data and remarked: “Hedge Funds continue to short treasuries at historic levels while asset managers are building their largest long positions ever recorded!”

One investor commented: “Good luck with timing the bottom in TLT while Yellen tries to dump trillions of new issuance into this imploding market.”

Reuters broke the story:

The trade, which contributed to severe disruptions in the Treasuries market when it was unwound rapidly in March 2020, has recently drawn attention from economists at the Federal Reserve as well as from the Bank for International Settlements.

The risk, they have warned, is that large basis positions could once again exacerbate vulnerabilities in the U.S. bond market, which is a linchpin of the world’s financial system.

Award-winning financial analyst Michael A. Gayed offered his perspective: “Not bonds. Treasuries. Corporate credit is fucked. And so are hedge funds shorting long duration.”

Kurt S. Altrichter predicted: “At some point, hedge funds will be forced to cover and that could mean all of them at the same time if we get a credit event.”

Market Watch warned:

In a paper, economists Daniel Barth and R. Jay Kahn of the Fed board in Washington, along with Robert Mann of the U.S. Treasury Department, said that so-called basis trades by hedge funds warrant “continued and diligent monitoring,” and that sustained large exposures by hedge funds would “present a financial stability vulnerability.”



Are things about to go from Bad to Worse?

The only reason we have such a high standard of living here in the United States is because the U.S. Dollar (“petrodollar”) has been the World Reserve Currency for a long time.

Our standard of living is unique to almost all other places in the world.

And it’s NOT guaranteed.

I’ve been sounding the alarm bells recently and it looks like we may be in the final stretch of an imminent collapse.

And when it falls?

Worse than the Great Depression — and here’s that word again: overnight.

Watch this and I think you’ll understand:

Now with that understanding in mind, let’s get back to our headline report.

The U.S. Government is headed for a shutdown:

Here’s how these things always tend to play out….

Once the crisis hits, it’s always too late.

Think you’ll just take your money out of the banks and buy gold and crypto once you start to see the warning signs of a crash?

In a word?  —  “LOL”

Remember in 2001 after 9/11 when everything closed?

You could access your bank accounts and you definitely couldn’t trade anything on the stock market.

I believe we’ll see that again here.

You’ll be frozen out in some way and by that time it will be too late.

Here’s what Reuters reports:

Republican U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday rejected a stopgap funding bill advancing in the Senate, bringing Washington closer to its fourth partial shutdown of the U.S. government in a decade with just four days to go.

That would lead to the furlough of hundreds of thousands of federal workers and the suspension of a wide range of government services, from economic data releases to nutrition benefits, until Congress manages to pass a funding bill that President Joe Biden, a Democrat, would sign into law.

The Senate plan, which advanced on a wide bipartisan margin on Tuesday, would fund the government through Nov. 17, giving lawmakers more time to agree on funding levels for the full fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.

Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer said the Senate would hold the next procedural vote on its bill on Thursday, unless senators can reach an agreement that would allow them to vote sooner.

McCarthy’s House of Representatives was focusing its efforts on trying to agree on more of the 12 separate full-year funding bills, of which they have so far passed one.

“I don’t see the support in the House” for the Senate plan, McCarthy said, though the bill has the support of Senate Republicans, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The House was expected to vote late into the night on amendments to specific funding bills, though even if all four of those bills were to be signed into law by Saturday, on their own they would not be enough to prevent a partial government shutdown.

Now with ALL of that background, I want you to watch this video from Chris Greene over at AMTV Media.

I think he nails this one:

Everything is lining up (for something very bad).

I think this is a great warning from Chris Greene…

Janet Yellen of all people just confirmed the same thing (read more on that below)…

And Bo Polny just told me the same thing two days ago!

You have to see this:

Bo Polny: Sound The Trumpet, The Death of the U.S. Dollar

Bo Polny was back on my show today….

Actually it was a day or so ago, but I’m finally able to post this now.

So much in here, I think you’re really going to love this.

We actually recorded this right on Yom Kippur, so that was pretty cool….

Great timing when you’re talking to the “Analyst of Time”!

That’s why we Sound the Trumpet because that’s what you do on that Feast Day!

Did any of you sound your Trumpets?

If not, it’s not too late!

Also great timing because Bo has some really big things ahead for us.

And a lot of it revolves around the U.S. Dollar, Gold, Silver and Crypto.

While the MSM is telling us the Dollar just had a “Golden Cross” (which means it would typically go higher and get stronger) Bo says his cycles show the exact opposite.

He actually sees a major crash in the U.S. Dollar.

Ok, so what does that mean?

It would mean (typically) that Gold, Silver and Crypto are about to skyrocket….

We’re going vertical Mav!

Gotta love Top Gun.

But this is serious.

Bo says there’s not much time left before the U.S. Dollar absolutely crashes.

He first told us to watch the Dollar 2-3 years ago and that it would lose its World Reserve Currency status.

Everyone laughed at the time, but they’re not laughing now.

In fact, with the Saudi’s officially joining BRICS, the U.S. “petrodollar” is officially done.

The patient has died on the operating table, we just haven’t had the funeral yet.

But Bo says the funeral is coming VERY soon, and it’s going to be an UGLY one.

Even Janet Yellen just admitted it…

This was pretty stunning to see:

Ok, so without any further delay, let me get you right into this one…

Watch safely here on Rumble:

And on YouTube as well:

As always, here are all the links you need:

👉 Download Bo’s slides for free:

👉 If you want Bo’s trading Newsletter, go to ➡ use code WLT49 (LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT)

💥 For access to the Easy Crypto School, go to ➡ use code WLT49 (LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT)

That will get you all set for crypto.

If you want Gold and Silver, I have you covered there too.

Keep reading for the hookup…

Here’s the most important part — make sure you get PHYSICAL gold and silver.

Not paper traded garbage on the stock exchanges that isn’t backed by anything.

Don’t touch that stuff.

I have two special hook-ups for you.

Both involve PHYSICAL gold and silver.

Because if you do NOTHING else, make sure you own “physical” gold and silver, not paper contracts.

The paper contracts (like stock ticker SLV and GLD) could very well go POOF one day and disappear or go to zero, because they’re not actually backed by the gold and silver they claim to represent.

It’s a massive game of musical chairs out there and when the music stops (and I think it will stop soon…) people who only own paper might find themselves owning something not worth the paper it’s literally written on.

Now…WHERE do you get physical gold and silver and how do you know it’s real and safe?

And that you’re getting the best price?

Oh, and how about personal one-on-one real customer service?

You know, like you were some Big Wig millionaire at Goldman Sachs who could just call their personal banker and get help?

That’s what I’m about to tell you.  

I have two killer connections for you…

The first is for purchasing gold and silver bullion.

That means bulk bars.

That’s the cheapest and most economical way to do it, to stretch your dollar into as much gold and silver as possible.

The website is called WLT Precious Metals and when you see my logo in the top left-hand corner, you’ll know you’re in the right place.

You’ll get a personal phone call with Ira Bershatsky (or someone on his team) and they will work with you free of charge for as long as needed to answer any questions you have and get you taken care of.

How about that!

You don’t see that much anymore, but Ira and his team pride themselves on good old-fashioned real customers service:

No sales pitch, just real, actual help.

And the best prices you will find.

Here’s the only disclaimer I will give you: because they do pride themselves on dedicated service, it might take a few days before you get a phone call back.  Just be patient.

Good things come to those who wait!

You can contact Ira and WLT Precious Metals here.

Ok, that was #1.

Now I want to tell you about option #2.

An equally great company, I am so happy to be working with these guys.

This next company is called Genesis Gold and this is for people who want to purchase real physical gold or silver in their IRAs (Investment Retirement Accounts).

You know what the beauty of that is?

TAX FREE baby!

I’m not a tax advisor, but that’s a general oversimplification.

Never pay more taxes than you are legally required to pay.

And that’s why I love getting gold and silver in my IRA (and why I hold a large chunk in an IRA myself!).

There’s so much to love about Genesis Gold, starting with the fact they are proudly and un-ashamedly Christina!

They call it “Faith-Driven Stewardship” and they put it right on the homepage of their website along with a quote from Ezekiel:

Wealth Preservation With Gold & Silver –
The Genesis Gold IRA

By your wisdom and your understanding you have made wealth for yourself, and have gathered Gold and Silver into your treasuries – EZEKIEL 28:4

Genesis Gold Group believes the Bible gives clues on how man-made currencies (paper money) represent instability, and a lack of virtue and encourages living wastefully in excess.

Conflicts have beleaguered us since the dawn of civilization, and they can all be encapsulated into one battle. The battle is between currency, man-made paper, and gold and silver — the two precious metals found in our Earth’s crust, sent to us by our Lord to use as money. Man-made currency always leads nations down the path to increased war, greed, and ultimate collapse. History has shown that abandoning gold and silver has always been a bad idea. Gold and Silver enforce discipline, nurture self-constraint, self-reliance, and balance, and lead to confidence, a restrained government, and a more stable foreign policy.

Genesis Gold Group believes in empowering faith-driven stewardship with Gold & Silver are an integral part of a balanced portfolio. Protecting your finances with precious metals has never been more crucial during these trying times.

With a combined 50-plus years in the precious metals industry, let your Genesis gold and silver experts guide you through the simplicity of asset protection and growth with our Genesis Gold IRA.


Genesis Gold Group

Empowering Faith-Driven Stewardship

Oh….and they’re VERY good at what they do.

You also get physical gold and silver with Genesis, believe it or not!  The gold and silver is purchased for you (in whatever combination of coins and bars you prefer, a picture taken and sent to you, and then stored safely in a vault for you!

I love what these guys are doing.

Here’s more on why gold and silver in your IRA are so powerful:

You can contact Genesis Gold here.

They are also very backed up with record demand, so you may have to wait a bit, but someone WILL get in touch with you for personal customer service and assistance!

Tell ’em Noah sent ya!

Oh, and did you know Genesis is recommended by SUPERMAN himself?

It’s true.

Superman himself, Clark Kent — Dean Cain — came on my show a few weeks ago and we broke it all down:

Watch here:

Stay safe!

Make sure you can weather the storm when it hits!

Because the storm always hits eventually, doesn’t it?

As for me and my house, we will be ready. 💪

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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