Not surprisingly, people are unhappy with the country’s direction under Joe Biden and his Democratic lackeys. However, a new poll was just released that asked how Americans were doing economically. A record percentage said they are worse off financially under Biden’s leadership.
ABC News/Washington Post’s poll showed 41% of respondents are financially worse off since Biden took office in January 2021. This represents the highest percentage in 37 years of respondents saying they have been financially harmed. Conversely, 16% of respondents said that they were better off under Biden.

However, under the Trump administration, the poll showed 25% of respondents said they were better off, and only 13% said they were worse off. President Donald Trump would easily defeat Biden in a hypothetical matchup, according to the polling data. It noted that 48% of respondents would vote for Trump, and 44% would vote for Biden. The result was nearly identical when the question was narrowed to registered voters.
Seven in ten Republicans said they were worse off under Biden, and 12% of Democrats agreed. The number of independents who said they were worse off under Biden more than tripled. While Trump was in office, 11% of independents said they were worse off. In Biden’s latest poll, 39% of independents said they are worse off economically.
Laura Ingram tweeted in response to Biden’s low poll numbers saying,
“Wages and optimism were up during Trump. Negligible inflation. Cheap, abundant energy. Biden & the Climate Crazies want a lower standard of living to be your new normal. Record numbers of people are worse off, a recipe for political discontent.”

The polling results come as the Democratic Party stresses over whether to back Biden’s run for another term or replace him with a new candidate for the 2024 election. Some within the party are concerned that his age could dissuade voters.

Of Democrats or Independent respondents who lean Democrat, nearly half, 49%, believe that the party should opt for another nominee. At the same time, 44% would support choosing Biden as the 2024 nominee. However, the poll also showed only 42% approved of Biden’s performance, while 53% of Americans disapproved of Biden’s job performance.

Fox News poll was also conducted, revealing sizable majorities rate economic conditions negatively (80%) and feel a general dissatisfaction with the state of the country (73%). Not surprisingly, a large amount of Democrats are feeling increasingly wary over the direction of the country, which significantly contributed to the overall increase. Americans are clearly ready for America first policies to be reinstated.

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