The people President Trump was blasted for referring to as criminals are no longer just throwing rocks at our US Border Patrol agents, now, at least one of them has pulled a gun on them as well. In what can only be described as a dangerous development, a US Border agent in the sanctuary state of California is reporting that while apprehending an illegal alien who just crossed over the border from Mexico into the US, he was forced to wrestle a pistol from his hands after the illegal alien aimed it at him.

According to the Washington Times, violence against Border Patrol agents continued to spiral this week with authorities reporting one agent held at gunpoint by an illegal immigrant in California, and two agents in Arizona facing attacks by hand.

In the California incident agents responded Monday morning to a report that two illegal immigrants had been detected crossing the border on foot. The first man was apprehended without any problem, but the second, Hector Rodriguez-Chavez, aimed a loaded Star Echeverria pistol at an agent.

The agent and Rodriguez struggled for the gun, and even the help of two other agents was not enough to pry the weapon from Rodriguez’s hand, the agents said in court documents.

Finally, one of the agents used his taser on Rodriguez, who dropped the pistol and stopped resisting.

Agents later found that he’d been deported back to Mexico at least five times before, dating back more than 20 years. His most recent ouster was in October 2017. He also had convictions in the U.S. for violent drug crimes and firearms offenses.

The Arizona assaults both happened Tuesday.

In one, agents were trying to arrest four illegal immigrants when one of them, a 25-year-old Guatemalan man, threw dirt in an agent’s face then swung his belt, trying to use the buckle as a weapon to strike the agent.

He was subdued and put into a vehicle, where he then spit in another agent’s face, authorities said.

Hours later another Guatemalan man, who’d previously been deported, was caught sneaking back in by an agent and his canine.

The 36-year-old man started striking the agent, but he was eventually subdued. Authorities said they discovered he’d been deported just six months ago.

This video taken at the Tijuana, Mexico border where the massive mob of illegal aliens are squatting, shows the mostly male group lobbing rocks at US Border agents on the other side of the fence. This is who the George Soros funded open-borders group and the Democrat Party want to welcome into the US with no strings attached.

In October 2017, California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that made California a sanctuary state. Bloomberg News called it, “a move that gives the nation’s most populous state another tool to fight President Trump”. Since when did our states need to find tools to use to fight our President, who’s making every effort to protect our citizens against criminals entering our nation illegally ?



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