The Florida statewide grand jury petitioned by Gov. Ron DeSantis on COVID-19, including lockdowns, masks, and mRNA jabs, released its first findings Friday.

Florida’s Voice shared some of the initial findings from the grand jury in a thread posted to X.

“In its first report, the jury issued findings on the use of lockdowns and masks to contain COVID-19. ‘We have never had sound evidence of their effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the form of reliable RCTs that demonstrated statistically significant benefits,'” the outlet shared.

“Further on masks, the grand jury scathed health agencies and the federal government for ‘fail[ing]’ to accurately inform Americans on masks. ‘[They hid to] avoid the potential embarrassment of the public health advice they championed being invalidated by evidence,'” the outlet continued.

“The jury found the public was also mislead on ‘social distancing’: ‘It is not nearly as important how far away people are from one another as it is whether they are in an interior or exterior environment and whether that environment is subject to adequate airflow,'” Florida’s Voice noted.

“On lockdowns, the grand jury found that their usage only ‘modest[ly]’ benefitted the ‘affluent’ who could afford to stay home at the expense of children and Americans through age 40,” the outlet continued.

“ON VACCINES: The jury said that the federal bodies responsible for vaccine approval have stonewalled their efforts to obtain testimony. It also said some professionals have cited concerns of ‘consequences’ if they testified before the grand jury,” the outlet wrote.

“‘Some prospective witnesses have elected not to testify, often citing potential professional or personal consequences arising from their involvement with the Statewide Grand Jury process.’ ‘Prospective witnesses have raised concerns about the underlying fairness of this body,'” it continued.

“The grand jury issued no conclusive or strong findings on vaccines or vaccine manufacturers yet, and invited government entities and prospective witnesses to ‘come to Tampa and offer sworn testimony.’ ‘There are still many months [to go],'” Florida’s Voice added.

More from Florida’s Voice:

While the governor was primely targeting COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and their advertisement of vaccine efficacy, the first report drew conclusions mainly on lockdowns and masks, and the grand jury said the issue of the vaccines was far more nuanced and could not be answered in a “vacuum.”

It also said that the Biden administration did not cooperate with efforts to obtain testimony from officials representing agencies like the CDC, FDA and U.S. Army.

Perhaps the grand jury’s biggest obstacle in seeking out DeSantis’ goal of holding vaccine manufacturers accountable, it does not have strong legal authority to compel testimony out of relevant parties.

“These agencies have elected not to provide representatives to testify before this body, and federal law prohibits us from compelling their cooperation,” it said.

The jury added that some “prospective witnesses” raised concerns about whether the grand jury will be “fair,” and said that prospective witnesses would choose not to testify because of “potential professional or personal consequences.”

The grand jury said that it cannot determine the “truth” of statements regarding the “safety” and “effectiveness” of the vaccines without context of the risk of COVID-19.

UncoverDC editor-in-chief Tracy Beanz also reviewed the grand jury’s findings.

“Federal officials and agencies refused to testify and can’t be compelled. Further, report acknowledges inflated numbers due to cash incentive benefitting hospitals,” Beanz wrote.


“GJ acknowledges inflated death numbers arising from passing ‘with’ rather than ‘from’ COVID,” Beanz continued.

“Additionally, acknowledges a cash ‘death’ benefit granting hospitals and families who agreed to ‘COVID’ death a financial incentive,” she added.


“Attempts by proponents of lockdowns, school closures, etc, to ‘memory hole’ COVID decisions stating they didn’t have scientific data are futile. Data was available – it was ignored and attacked. It wasn’t an ‘information’ problem. It was a ‘judgement’ problem,” Beanz continued.

“Lockdowns were acknowledged not to have a net benefit and be implausible in stopping the spread – but media coming out of China changed the minds of the people saying they didn’t work. In short, they were useless in stopping the spread, and in small targeted areas *may* have postponed spread – or ‘flattened’ the curve. The result would always be the same – infection. It’s just how long it would’ve taken,” she added.




“Officials in our tax payer funded agencies knew masks had little to no efficacy at stopping or slowing the spread of COVID. They just wanted to control you. Read it. Absorb it. Understand it. Vow to let it never happen again,” Beanz wrote.


Read the full 33-page report from the grand jury HERE.

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