In a recent televised interview, Mike Pompeo revealed that Adam Schiff leaked classified documents during his time as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Mike Pompeo was the CIA director and Secretary of State when he claimed these things occurred and said Adam Schiff should be nowhere near serving on the intelligence committee or seeing classified information.

Pompeo said,

“I had the incredible privilege to serve on that committee; it covers the most classified, most difficult stuff; not every member of Congress gets to see the information that the intelligence committee sees. And Adam Schiff lied to the American people, and during my time as CI Director and Secretary of State, I know that he leaked classified information that had been provided to him. Now the fact that Adam Schiff was Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee almost ruined that committee. It serves an incredibly important function for the American people. Speaker McCarthy got this one exactly right, Adam Schiff should be nowhere near serving on the Intelligence Committee. I don’t think he should be seeing classified information.”

Rep. Jim Banks pointed out that “if Schiff were a civilian or in the military and leaked classified info, he’d be prosecuted for it. He should be nowhere near the Intel Committee.”


Adam Schiff responded via Twitter to Pompeo’s comments on keeping him away from the intelligence committee. Schiff dodged Pompeo’s accusations of sharing classified information and lying to the American people. Instead, he brought up an unrelated argument, pulling in the controversial death of journalist Khashoggi. It seemed like a desperate move on Schiff’s part when the journalist’s death also invoked media criticism of the Democrat party.

Details surrounding Khashoggi’s death remain unresolved and landed Biden in hot water with the media in July 2022 when he visited Saudi Arabia. He was expected to talk with the Prince about where the responsibility lay for the killing of Washington Post journalist Khashoggi. Biden refused to comment on the matter, saying it was not important.

After Biden arrived back in Washington, D.C., following his visit, he was asked by a reporter about a comment made by the Saudi foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir,

“The Saudi foreign minister said he didn’t hear you accuse the crown prince of Khashoggi’s murder. Is he telling the truth?” the reporter asked the president.

“No,” Biden said quickly. “Why don’t you talk about something that matters?” the president told journalists.

Schiff’s odd Twitter rebuttal said,

“Let’s be clear: I don’t back down from bullies.

And your comments about Jamal Khashoggi – an American resident and journalist butchered by the Saudi government – were shameful and do dishonor to your former office.”


Americans are tired of self-serving politicians like Adam Schiff. Roger Stone roasted him in a tweet calling out Schiff’s absurd and reckless political ambition after he was caught in numerous lies.
“Politics is the only area where you can get a promotion for lying; congenital liar, con-man, and huckster Adam Schiff wants to move up to the US Senate.”

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