If you missed the Tucker/Putin interview (or didn’t have the time to watch since it was over 2 hours), I’m going to bring you up to speed.

Wow, there was SO MUCH in here!

I was surprised by a few things….

First, Putin seemed calm, rational and extremely shrewd.  I had never heard him talk much, especially not in an open format, long form interview.

He came off as extremely intelligent but not at ally tyrannical.

He seems like he wants peace.

Just my take.

Below I have an excellent 30 minute summary video to show you if you don’t have over 2 hours, but first let me give you some smaller clips.

Starting here — almost sounds like America-First, doesn’t it?

Then we have Putin confirming (in his opinion) that the CIA blew up the Nordstream pipeline….

When pressed by Tucker to back up that opinion, I thought his rationale was fascinating.

He first says you start with people who have the motivation or inclination to want to see something like that happen, but then you have to filter that list by the people who actually have the MEANS to make that happen.  Diving to the bottom of the ocean floor and setting off a bomb undetected….and that’s a very short list.

I can’t disagree:

Perhaps the biggest moment was not a good one for Tucker….Putin reveals Tucker applied to the CIA and was declined.

Tucker did not respond.

Then we have a folder of documents Putin gave Tucker.  Very interesting!  Fascinating to know what’s in there.

It was very reminiscent of President Trump giving Putin that soccer ball:

The Legacy Media has done a complete blackout of this next story, but Putin said multiple times that Ukraine was full of NAZI’s and that his goal was the de-NAZI-fication of Ukraine.

Wow!  Just wow!

Then he discussed how the USA is killing the dollar…

And while not specifically mentioning the BRICS, it was clear they will be the victor if the US Dollar fails.

But Putin was not celebrating it, he was perplexed at why we have so much self-inflicted damage:

Got Gold?

Got Bitcoin?

Got XRP?

He also discussed Elon Musk and AI:

So much more in here….

It was truly one of the most fascinating things I’ve watching in quite a while.

If you want a 30 minute summary, this is excellent:

And if you missed it and want to watch the full thing, I’ve got you covered.

Watch it right here in full:

Full video player here:

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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