Joe diGenova has been one of the very few truth-tellers during the Mueller investigation and during the sham impeachment. He was also one of the early pundits who was brave enough to come out and say that the effort to destroy President Trump is a coup.  It’s no surprise that George Soros would want to censor diGenova for telling the truth as he did on the Lou Dobbs’ show last night.

Soros’  Open Society Foundations is calling on Fox News to ban lawyer Joe diGenova from appearing on the network as a guest.

The Hollywood Reporter: The request for both an “on-air retraction” and a full ban comes after diGenova appeared on Lou Dobbs’ Fox Business Network show Wednesday night and alleged that Open Society Foundations founder George Soros “controls a very large part of the career foreign service of the United States State Department.” DiGenova, who appeared with his wife, Victoria Toensing, also said that Soros “controls the activities of FBI agents overseas, who work for NGOs.”


Open Society Foundations’ president, Patrick Gaspard, sent a letter to the Fox News CEO saying, “This is beyond rhetorical ugliness, beyond fiction, beyond ludicrous. It’s patently untrue; it is not even possible. This is McCarthyite.”

Gaspard referenced previous grievances over comments made about Soros, but Soros can’t have it both ways. Soros is known to be against everything America represents. He is on record saying he believes President Trump won’t be around in 2020 and called him “dangerous.”

It’s laughable that Soros would send his Open Societies president to do his dirty work when he’s openly advocated against our president.


oe Biden and his son aren’t’ the only ones with corrupt connections to Ukraine.

George Soros also has dirty money ties to the country.

John Solomon reports to Lou Dobbs on Soros and the corruption in Ukraine:


Laura Ingraham recently reported that the former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine was anti-Trump and that President Trump had planned to replace her. Marie Yovanovitch was dismissed in March after Trump’s allies said she was blocking the probe of Joe Biden and bad-mouthing the Ukrainian Prosecutor General Lutsenko said that she gave him a “do not prosecute list”, that included Ukraine MPs and the exact same Soros funded NGO president.

“In May 2018, former Congressman Pete Sessions sent Secretary of State Pompeo an urgent letter imploring him to remove the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.”

“She’s reportedly demonstrated clear anti-Trump bias.”

Joe diGenova:

“The current United States ambassador Marie Yovanovitch has bad mouthed the President of the United States to Ukrainian officials and has told them not to listen or worry about Trump policy because he’s going to be impeached.”


The Daily Caller is reporting that George Soros had a hand in financially supporting the opposition research firm Fusion GPS. Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS partnered to produce the fake dossier on President Trump. While it’s not surprising that Soros had a hand in the fake dossier, it IS surprising that it’s just now coming out.

According to the IRS, radical billionaire George Soros paid The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP) more than $3.8 million in 2017 to provide research and analysis to “government entities”. Bean LLC  is the holding company that controls Fusion GPS:

Payments were then made to Fusion GPS and Steele by The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP) founded by former Feinstein staffer Daniel J. Jones. This raises questions about whether Senator Feinstein was aware of Jones’ involvement in the dossier on Trump.

Zero Hedge reports that  leaked texts suggest that Jones was part of the ongoing scramble to verify the Trump dossier:

Congressional documents and recently leaked texts between Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and a lobbyist representing a Russian aluminum oligarch suggest that Daniel J. Jones, an ex-FBI investigator and former Feinstein staffer, is “intimately involved with ongoing efforts to retroactively validate a series of salacious and unverified memos published by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent, and Fusion GPS.”

Jones’ role in pursuing “vindication of the dossier,” on Steele’s behalf may also explain why Senators Grassley and Graham left Feinstein’s office out of the loop when they filed their criminal referral of Steele to the FBI for making false statements to Federal agents.


Real Clear Investigations reported on March 20 that TDIP sends out daily newsletters with a roundup of news stories about the special counsel’s investigation and other Trump-related matters.

Jones has also taken credit for planting anti-Trump news stories. Adam Waldman, an attorney with links to Christopher Steele, revealed text messages showing that Jones took credit for a Reuters news article that raised questions about Russian purchases of Trump properties in Florida.

“Our team helped with this,” Jones wrote Waldman on March 17, 2017, in a text message provided to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Waldman testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee in November 2017 that Jones told him that Soros, the progressive billionaire financier, was one of TDIP’s backers.

That was confirmed in October when The New York Times reported that Soros donated at least $1 million to TDIP:

Mr. Soros has donated more than $15 million in this election cycle to support Democratic candidates at the federal level, according to election commission records, and he has also donated to nonprofits that do not disclose their donors.

Mr. Soros’s representatives say he gave $1 million to one such group, the Democracy Integrity Project, which was established after the 2016 election to investigate foreign interference in elections and to research Mr. Trump’s connections to Russian interests. Mr. Soros is considering additional donations to the group, which has paid for research from Fusion GPS, the firm behind the controversial dossier containing salacious claims about Mr. Trump’s ties to Russia.



President Trump’s U.S. Envoy to Ukraine resigned but is he still connected to George Soros?

Kurt Volker’s resignation was first reported by The State Press, the student newspaper of Arizona State University, where Volker serves as executive director of the school’s McCain Institute (see more on this below).

Volker resigned today after reports he collaborated with Ukraine and President Donald Trump.

An Arizona State University official confirmed Volker’s resignation Friday.

Volker met with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo today to announce he would be resigning because he was mentioned in the recent whistleblower complaint against President Trump.

Volker on the left below greeting the former President of Ukraine:

According to the complaint, Volker encouraged Rudy Giuliani to contact Ukraine.

Arizona Central reports that Rudy Giuliani took to Fox News and Twitter with screenshots of multiple text conversations that he said shows an effort by Kurt Volker and others to put him in touch with people surrounding Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, who was elected in May.

He also helped organize meetings with Giuliani and Ukrainian officials.

Is there a Soros connection here?

According to Checkpoint Asia, US special envoy for Ukraine Kurt Volker is drawing a salary from John McCain’s think tank, which is funded by George Soros and a DC lobbying firm working for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, among others.

Volker was appointed Special Representative for Ukraine negotiations in July 2017, by then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Turns out another McCain confidant, David Kramer, also works at Volker’s institute, listed as “senior director for Human Rights and Democracy.” Kramer was identified as the individual who during the 2016 campaign spread the “Steele Dossier” (accusing Trump of ties with Russia) to the press and a number of other people in Washington, including the “midwife of Maidan” herself, Victoria Nuland.


Please see our previous report below on the McCain Institute associate who has now been subpoenaed by the House Intel Committee. David J. Kramer was in hot water before for the same reason the Intel Committee is now issuing a subpoena:

He was previously subpoenaed by the lawyers for a Russian tech executive suing BuzzFeed. The guy just refuses to give out any information on sources for the “dirty” dossier. This raises the question of if there were sources that were fictional and were used just to build a fake case against Trump. President Trump just tweeted out that the dossier is a “pile of garbage”. Could it be that this “pile of garbage” was used to make the case for a FISA warrant to spy on POTUS  The plot thickens on this one…

The Daily Caller reports:

The House Intelligence Committee has issued a subpoena for an associate of Arizona Sen. John McCain’s who revealed last week that he knows the names of the Russian sources used in former British spy Christopher Steele’s infamous dossier.

A congressional source tells The Daily Caller that California Rep. Devin Nunes issued the subpoena on Wednesday for David J. Kramer, a former State Department official.

Kramer refused to divulge the names of Steele’s sources during a Dec. 19 interview with the panel, the source says.

Steele used Russian sources to gather information on the Trump campaign and Donald Trump’s activities in Russia. The ex-spy was working for Fusion GPS, an opposition research firm that was on the payroll of the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee.

Lawyers for a Russian tech executive suing BuzzFeed for publishing the Steele dossier say that a longtime associate of Arizona Sen. John McCain and two major news outlets are resisting subpoenas seeking their depositions for the case.

In a brief filed in federal court late Wednesday, lawyers for the executive, Aleksej Gubarev, claim that David Kramer (pictured below), a former State Department official and McCain associate, “has been seemingly avoiding service” of a deposition subpoena for weeks.

Please see the very curious input put out just this July regarding Kramer’s involvement in the Steele dossier getting into the hands of the press.


And The New York Times and Wall Street Journal are challenging deposition subpoenas they have been served as part of the case.

Gubarev’s lawyers are attempting to find out who gave BuzzFeed the salacious dossier, which the website published to much controversy on Jan. 10.

The dossier, written by former British spy Christopher Steele, alleges that Gubarev and his companies, XBT Holdings and Webzilla, used spam, viruses, and porn bots to hack into DNC computer systems. Gubarev vehemently denies the allegations.

Gubarev’s attorneys say that identifying BuzzFeed’s source could shed light on whether the news outlet was warned that information in the dossier could be false. They argue that publishing the dossier despite such warnings would show “reckless disregard for the truth or falsity of the information published.”

BuzzFeed has defended its decision to publish the dossier, which was financed by the Clinton campaign and DNC and commissioned by opposition research firm Fusion GPS. It is also resisting demands from Gubarev’s team to identify its dossier source on the grounds that it would violate its First Amendment protections as a news-gathering organization. Via: Daily Caller

Reason had this to say on July 16th on the mystery surrounding how the fake dossier got into the hands of Buzzfeed:

Did John McCain and a controversial D.C. lobbying group conspire to get the infamous “pee dossier” into the hands of the press?

A lawsuit making its way through court in the UK hopes to determine just what role the senator and his associates had in making the lurid dossier public.

New filings in the lawsuit, obtained by McClatchy, detail how David Kramer—employed by the nonprofit and purportedly non-political McCain Institute—acted as a representative of McCain in the Arizona senator’s dealings on sensitive intelligence measures:

According to a new court document in the British lawsuit, counsel for defendants Steele and Orbis repeatedly point to McCain, R-Ariz., a vocal Trump critic, and a former State Department official as two in a handful of people known to have had copies of the full document before it circulated among journalists and was published by BuzzFeed. Read more: McClatchy

It also reveals that McCain was one of a just few people with whom the dossier’s author, ex-British spy Christopher Steele, shared a copy of his final findings. So how did they get from there to publication in Buzzfeed?


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