Geraldo is claiming that the police officers in the Rayshard Brooks case could have just gotten him an Uber ride home. He tweeted out that a cab or Uber should have been the answer and that Black men face “special challenges” dealing with cops:

No way Wendy’s encounter should’ve ended w/ Rayshard Brooks dead. I advocate for cops, but you can’t overlook unnecessary escalation of epic 43-minute encounter that in a bygone era could’ve ended with a drunk taking cab or Uber home. Black men face special challenges dealing w/ cops.

The obvious reply to this is those police officers couldn’t just let someone go who has tested legally drunk on the breathalyzer. A twitter comment hits straight to the heart of why this situation happened:

-“This comment is crap, and you know it. Research Geraldo! Look at the facts and listen to those who know. Resisting arrest, non-compliance, assaulting an officer…it all leads to what happened. Don’t trivialize the situation by simplifying it.”

The comments back to Geraldo on social media are blistering.

Some people are asking where Mothers Against Drunk Driving is on this topic:

-“The day a cop sends me home in an Uber for drunk driving is the day we become an unlawful country. Where is #MADD on this comment?!?!?! Geraldo, you know better.”

Essential Fleccas wrote: “Is that a thing”? with a video of Barney from Mayberry:

Dan Bongino calls Geraldo out in a great video where he makes two big points against Geraldo’s take on the case:

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