After allegedly registering 10,000 Muslims to take place in Germany’s “March Against Terror,” the largest Muslim group in Germany refused to show because it would send the wrong message.

Say what???

A peace march organized by German Muslim groups to condemn terrorism and violence in the name of Islam has been held in Cologne. Organizers had registered 10,000 participants, but actual turnout was much lower.

The liberal “The Independent” published a story about the 10,000 Muslims marching for peace before the march ever took place:

The march, organized by Islamic scholar Lamya Kaddor and peace activist Tarek Mohamad to condemn violence in the name of Islam across the world, was preceded by a heated debate when Germany’s biggest Islamic association, the Turkish-Islamic Union (known by its acronym DITIB), refused to take part. –DW

To integration commissioner Özoguz the problem lies in the fact that decision-makers in associations like DITIB have never really settled in Germany,” although for the most part, the members have.

In other words, the leaders of the most powerful Muslim group in Germany have no interest in assimilating with Germans, but do have an interest in accepting public funds from German taxpayers to keep their organization up and running.

However, DITIB does not seem capable of surviving only off Ankara’s support and without help from Germany. After payments to the association were temporarily suspended because of the espionage affair, the money has been flowing into its accounts again. According to the German Ministry of Family Affairs, “It was decided that funding for projects that have already been approved would resume under consideration of all relevant aspects.” DITIB has received around 6 million euros ($6.7 million) in funding from the German government since 2012.

Under gray skies, demonstrators waved banners proclaiming “together against terror” and “terrorism has no religion” on Saturday in the western German city of Cologne.

About 500 of the estimated 10,000 Muslims took part in the Cologne, Germany “March Against Terror”.

DITIB said it would send the wrong signal to suggest that Muslims were mainly responsible for international terrorism and also maintained that those observing the Ramadan fast could not be expected to march for hours in the summer heat. DW




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