Congresswoman Maxine Waters just flew first class to D.C. during the shutdown but not one person had a hissy fit about it.

Remember that it’s the Democrats who are the obstructionists who refuse to negotiate with President Trump.

On the other hand, a Republican Congressman was approached by a passenger on his flight and admonished for flying first class. (see video below)

Apparently, what’s good for Maxine, isn’t good for Congressman Rodney Davis of Illinois (see below).

While Maxine wasn’t approached about her seat on the flight, Davis was verbally admonished on his flight:
“Congressman, do you think it’s appropriate to fly first class while 57 TSA agents aren’t being paid?”

The spokeswoman for Davis said he did not use his taxpayer-provided budget to purchase a first-class ticket and has never done so. She also said his office bought a regular coach ticket, but he was upgraded automatically because of his frequent flyer status. “There was no additional cost to taxpayers.”

So it’s crickets from the media on Maxine but Davis is skewered?

Nothing shocks us anymore when it comes to the brazen elitists in the Democratic Party. The double standards are unbelievable.

Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi have been riding on the government gravy train for so long that they see nothing wrong with blowing taxpayer dollars or just not showing up to negotiate with President Trump so federal employees can get back to work. They don’t care. If they cared, they’d put aside their personal feelings of hate for our president and try working with him to get things done. It’s childish and petty to do what they’re doing. We’ve come to expect this type of behavior from Democrats.

Nancy Pelosi just tried to jet off with 100 people but was stopped by President Trump who wants to negotiate with her about funds for the wall. She replied by jetting out of D.C. on a commercial flight to who knows where. When asked if she would consider talking about border funds for a wall, she stared at the reporter and said “I’m not for a wall..I’m not for a wall…I’m not for a wall” We think she’s stuck on stupid and stubborn.

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