According to a Breitbart report, Republican state legislators are working on bills to remove Joe Biden from the ballot in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania.

“If Biden is removed from the ballots, the president will have difficulty winning the Democrat primary and presidential election. Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania are vital swing states,” the report stated.

The three state legislators drafting the bills include:

  • Pennsylvania Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R)
  • Georgia Rep. Charlice Byrd (R)
  • Arizona Rep. Cory Mcgarr (R)

More from Breitbart:

The state representatives’ aim is to fight back against the Democrats’ so-called “lawfare” used to attack former President Donald Trump. The Colorado Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in a 4-3 opinion that the United States Constitution’s “Insurrection Clause” blocks Trump from appearing on the state’s presidential ballot.

“We are joining forces to introduce legislation to REMOVE Joe Biden from the ballot in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania,” the lawmakers told Breitbart News. “The absurdity of radical Democrat judges removing Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado will be a stain on the American political system for decades. By their very own interpretation of the law, Joe Biden is 100% not eligible to run for political office.”

“Democrats’ insane justification to remove Trump can just as easily be applied to Joe Biden for his ‘insurrection’ at the southern border and his alleged corrupt family business dealings with China,” they continued.

“Colorado radicals just changed the game and we are not going to sit quietly while they destroy our Republic. To be clear, our objective is to showcase the absurdity of Colorado’s decision and allow ALL candidates to be on the ballot in all states,” they wrote. “To do that, we must fight back as Republicans against the communists currently running our great country.”

The Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling to remove Donald Trump from the ballot is on hold until January 4th so Trump can appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In response to the decision, the Colorado Republican Party said they would switch from a primary ballot system to a caucus system if the ruling stands.

BREAKING: Colorado Supreme Court BLOCKS Trump From 2024 Ballot!

Multiple states, including California and Maine, are looking at options to remove Trump from the ballot.

Although some Republican officials mulled the idea of removing Joe Biden from the ballot, not every GOP public servant is on board with the idea.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem said she doesn’t believe she has the authority to remove Biden from the ballot in her state.

Newsweek reports:

The historic ruling from the Colorado Supreme Court was in response to an appeal by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington [CREW] watchdog group and Republican figures after a lower court judge rejected their lawsuit to remove Trump from the 2024 ballots for violating the 14th Amendment despite ruling that that Trump had “engaged in insurrection” during the Capitol riot on January 6.

Trump spokesperson Steve Cheung said that the former president will “swiftly” file an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court over the “deeply undemocratic” decision.

During her Fox News appearance, Noem—who has been touted as Trump’s possible 2024 running mate—said she hopes that the U.S. Supreme Court, which has a conservative majority bench including three justices who were nominated to the bench by the former president, will take “quick” and “strong” action to reverse the decision in Colorado.

“President Trump will win, and my hope is that they allow this election to be held fairly, and let the people weigh in and choose the President that they want in the White House,” Noem added.

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