Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has filed a joint resolution authorizing “the use of United States Armed Forces against the Islamic Republic of Iran for threatening the national security of the United States through the development of nuclear weapons.”

“Warmonger Lindsey Graham introduces resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iran,” Col. Douglas Macgregor commented.

“Plunging headlong towards WW3,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said.

Per Jewish Insider:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) introduced a war powers resolution on Wednesday aimed at pushing the U.S. to take action to curb Iran’s expanding nuclear program.

Graham said that the Authorization for Use of Military Force would “be triggered if the president determines that Iran possesses uranium [that is] enriched to the weapons-grade level, a nuclear warhead or were to possess a delivery vehicle capable of delivering a nuclear device against Israel or other allies or the United States.”

He unveiled the resolution just ahead of the Senate’s August recess, with plans to attempt to force Senate floor consideration when lawmakers return in September.

“I just read the director of national intelligence report regarding the status of the Iran nuclear program, and I would urge every member of the House and the Senate to read it,” Graham said during a press conference at the Capitol.

Graham’s joint resolution coincides with the United States deploying ships and fighter jets to the Middle East due to the escalating conflict.

ABC News reports:

The Pentagon will send an additional fighter squadron and more warships to the Middle East to help defend Israel should Iran react militarily to this week’s assassination of Hamas’ top political leader in Tehran that Iran has blamed on Israel.

The United States will also maintain an aircraft carrier presence in the Middle East as Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln to replace the USS Theodore Roosevelt that was on a short-term deployment to the Middle East.

The deployments follow President Joe Biden’s commitment to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday about “new defensive US military deployments” to the region.

Austin “ordered adjustments to U.S. military posture designed to improve U.S. force protection, to increase support for the defense of Israel, and to ensure the United States is prepared to respond to various contingencies,” the Pentagon said in a statement issued Friday.

Austin also ordered the deployment of an additional fighter squadron to the Middle East “reinforcing our defensive air support capability,” the statement said.

Read the full joint resolution HERE.


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