Did we just find the WORST porno book available in your child’s schools?

I think so.

And that’s a high bar.

We’ve covered a ton of these before and it’s always eye-opening…

This is also the time I have to give you a serious WARNING: Please stop reading now if you are easily offended or don’t want to hear graphic content!  Stop now!

But isn’t that kind of the point?

If I have to put a warning label on this article because I know a good chunk of ADULT readers will be grossed out and highly offended, doesn’t that mean this book doesn’t really belong in schools?

You would sure think so.

Anyway, take a look at this and listen in (if you dare):

Backup here if needed:

Denise Bell is a prominent figure in the organization Moms for Liberty. She serves as the Harris County Chapter Chair, where she actively advocates for parental rights in education and pushes back against what they perceive as the influence of “woke” ideology in schools. In 2024, she continues to be an influential member of the group, which has been a force in recent years, particularly in the realm of education and parental rights.

So…is that the worst one we’ve seen yet?

If not, here are some other contenders:

GRAPHIC: A Parent Reads From Teen Porno Book Available At School

Are you ok with this?

You ok with your kids reading this book?

We’ve covered a lot of these over the years but this may be the worst one yet.

Just listen and feel how incredibly AWKWARD it is in this room as this brave father stands up in front of all other parents to read a short passage from this book.

If you’re bothered just listening to it, then imagine how much it does not belong in that school library!

WARNING: this is very graphic.  Proceed at your own discretion.

Oh, and he says he actually picked one of the more toned down sections.


Can you imagine what else is in this thing if this was the less graphic portion?

Watch for yourself:

I do agree with this comment that BANNING books is not the right response.

Just make them available in age-restricted, appropriate places.

And I do NOT think this school library is the appropriate place, do you?

This person says the book also describes incest.

How charming!

Perhaps that’s the “worse” part he chose not to read:

And then we have the million dollar question that I ask every time this comes up….

Doesn’t this solve it right away?

A picture is worth a thousand words:


MUST SEE: Brave Boy Reads Porno Book Outloud To School Board!

I can’t give this kid enough credit…

Or his father!

This is absolutely a Must-See, although it also comes with a big warning.


This is very graphic.

But that’s kind of the point right?

If I have to give you a warning before even showing you this video, then what the Hell is it doing in a Middle School library?

And just watch that board member in the bottom left of the screen squirm in his seat.

Uncomfortable bud?

Then get this book out of your Middle School library and grow a set of balls (and brain) while you’re at it!

Man, I’m fired up.

Ok, just take a look for yourself:

I can’t give this kid enough praise for the courage it took to get up there and do this.


You have a bright future.

And well done to your parents for raising such a grounded kid!

Sadly, this isn’t the first time we’ve covered something like this.

Oregon School District Votes to Keep Gay Pornographic Book in Library

Salem-Keizer School District in Oregon faced severe criticism after parents discovered that a pornographic book, Gender Queer, was available in the school library.

In response, the school formed a special committee to determine if the book should be removed.

Common sense would tell anyone that a book with explicit, pornographic images should be nowhere near a school library.

This is what’s available for children to read.

WARNING – GRAPHIC IMAGES Found Inside Gender Queer

A woman named Suzanne West was given the task to head the committee.

“West’s job description reads: “Crafting and developing strategies that support the district’s movement to become a more anti-racist and anti-oppressive school system,” Libs of TikTok noted.

You’ll probably guess what happened next.

The committee voted last week to keep the book.

Libs of TikTok reported:

It’s no surprise that parents have been outraged at the committee’s decision to keep this pornographic book available for their children. We obtained a copy of an email Suzanne West sent to one concerned parent. The email provided official statements from committee members regarding their decision and they are so unbelievably insane, you have to read them yourself:

  • “The book will be necessary to keep in schools, to help be more inclusive and allow all students from the LGBTQ+ community to have a resource to refer to. In addition, the pages taken out of context do not represent the intention of the book and only served as an illustration to help provide understanding of what the author was trying to portray in their book.”
  • “The book expands on sexual orientation and gender identity which are both topics touched on in wellness.”
  • “It being a graphic novel makes the book more accessible to a variety of readers.”
  • The book “has won a large number of teen-specific literary awards and is an ‘Own Voices’ text for a marginalized community. Inclusion in the library of the three high schools meets the district’s goal for more inclusive and diverse materials.”
  • “This graphic novel is very well done from a literary standpoint. It is an excellent example of a memoir, it includes many visual metaphors, it promotes literacy and accessibility through the graphic format, and it has modern language suitable to our students today.”
  • A “well written/illustrated text; important insight regarding gender identity.”

“We think kids need to read about vibrators, blowjobs, masturbation, and chest binders for ultimate inclusion and a show of diversity,” is what the statement should’ve read. Instead, they mask the graphic nature of the book under the veil of “inclusivity” and accuse concerned parents of taking the book out of context. In what context is a photo of someone receiving oral sex okay to show children?

Libs of TikTok has documented alarmed parents across the nation who have shown up to local school board meetings to try and have the book removed.

One school board even cut off a mother attempting to read the book.

Ironically, the book is too “obscene” for a school board meeting but apparently okay to place inside the school library where children have access.




Communist school boards are infecting children’s minds with pornographic material and masking it under the guise of “inclusive” to label parents as transphobic, homophobic, and hateful.

The only solution is voting out these school board members or removing children from the school system.

In my personal opinion, I prefer the latter.


HUNDREDS of Muslim Parents in Dearborn, Michigan SHUT DOWN School Board Meeting Over Pornographic Books

There’s a disgusting phenomenon occurring in schools throughout the United States.

Many local school boards and administrators are pushing pornographic books in school libraries.

Read a few prior reports on this disturbing trend:




Parents around the country were shocked and outraged when they became aware of the illegal pornographic books their local schools are pushing on kids in the student libraries.

One book that was found in several libraries is titled, Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe.

The Gateway Pundit explained:

The book is a graphic novel with drawings that explains in lurid detail the sexual interactions between two young men, has been inserted into high school libraries across America, despite it violating guidelines against pornography or sexually explicit materials being provided to minors and paid for with our tax dollars.

Gender Queer includes countless images of male-on-male sexual encounters, accompanied by words that one would expect to find inside literary works at adult porn shops or gay sex clubs and bathhouses. Even so, this book was purchased and pushed by school officials around the country, despite it clearly violating county guidelines.

Here are a couple of pages from the book. Most Americans did not realize this is a PICTURE book with explicit drawings.




These are two pages from the book.

How is this legal?

How is graphic content like this placed in a school library?

It’s complete insanity!

“This week Muslim parents shut down a school board meeting over the porn books in their child’s schools,” The Gateway Pundit stated.


Detroit Free Press reported:

Hundreds of protesters packed a Dearborn Public Schools board meeting this week and shut it down with cries of anger over certain LGBTQ books they said are too sexually explicit for children. And now, some community leaders anxiously await a rescheduled meeting set for Thursday night as others call for calm.

A heavy police presence failed to prevent the Monday night meeting from descending into chaos as demonstrators took it over and then various factions within them jostled for control, shouting at each other. Protesters often ignored the requests of police officers to stop interrupting board members.

It was unclear who was in control of the meeting at times. Most of the crowd appeared to be in opposition to the books, but there were also a number of people with the the American Federation of Teachers union who showed up to support inclusion of LGBTQ people and others.

Not until Dearborn Police Chief Issa Shahin arrived later did the protesters stop their agitation. Shahin pleaded with the crowd to relax and not embarrass Dearborn. There was concern expressed by some community leaders that the protesters are making the city and its Arab American Muslim population look bad. But others said that as Muslims, they have to stand up for their faith.

“The eyes of the nation are on us. … So please, calm down, let’s have respect for each other,” Shahin told the crowd at about 9:10 pm. “We can have a spirited debate, but we can’t conduct ourselves this way, guys, we just can’t. We’re better than this. Dearborn is better than this. This community is better than this. We’re brothers and sisters regardless of race, ethnicity, religion.”

Shahin said the board suspended the meeting and would reschedule it for Thursday evening at Fordson High School in order to accommodate a larger crowd.

“Vote them out!” the crowd repeatedly chanted during the raucous meeting inside an administrative center where the board holds its public meetings. The room was packed tightly, with many using an overflow room and others standing in the back and on the sides. Several held up signs with anti-gay rhetoric in English and Arabic, making religious references to assert that LGBTQ educational materials and books should not be available in Dearborn Public Schools, the third largest school district in Michigan. Some of the placards held up read: “Keep your porno books to yourself,” “Homosexuality Big Sin,” and “If democracy matters, we’re the majority.”

Read the full story at Detroit Free Press.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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