THIS HAPPENED IN 2015 BUT IS STILL RELEVANT TODAY: A group of protesters decided to go digging to destroy a Confederate General’s grave. No kidding! Does anyone out there think this will do anything productive? It’s horrible to desecrate someone’s grave so these people are doing what they preach against…This is hateful! Let it be!
The campaigners claim it has taken officials in Memphis, Tennessee, too long to exhume Nathan Bedford Forrest – who was a lieutenant general in the Confederate States Army.
They also want the statue of the soldier on a horse on the burial site to be removed. The rebel cavalryman, who died in 1877, has been buried in the city’s Health Sciences Park since 1904.
The city’s mayor, AC Wharton, began a push to remove the body and statue in the wake of the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, but needs approval from several branches of government before he can take action.
Members of the protest group, who call themselves the Commission on Religion and Racism, removed only a small patch of grass from the park, but threatened to return with heavy machinery to tear down the wartime symbol.
Isaac Richmond, the group’s leader, told local station WREG: ‘If he’s gone, some of this racism and race-hate might be gone. We got a fresh shovel full, and we hope that everybody else will follow suit and dig him up.
‘We are going to bring the back hoe, the tractors and the men with the equipment to raise Bedford Forrest from the soil of Memphis.’
Read more: DM