Liberal students don’t want to see the life of conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, honored in the city where he grew up.  Instead, they want to make sure he is appropriately punished and dishonored for daring to be a black man with conservative views. The only problem is, they can’t quite explain why they want him dishonored.


United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was born in a small coastal town in Pin Point, GA, where he lived in abject poverty. He was two years old and living in a one-room shack with a dirt floor and no plumbing when his father walked out on their family. His mother attempted to support he and his younger brother, but after a horrible house fire that left them homeless, his mother turned to her parents, asking them to raise her two boys. Clarence Thomas’ maternal grandparents, who were descendants of slaves, raised Clarence Thomas and his younger brother in Savannah, GA, providing them with the best education they could afford. Clarence Thomas became a Supreme Court Justice in 1991.


Liberal students at Savannah College of Arts and Design (tuition + room and board = approx $60,000) would now like to see Justice Thomas’ name removed from a building on their campus, honoring the humble Justice Thomas for his outstanding achievements.

The Clarence Thomas Center for Historic Preservation was built in 1908 in the Classic Revival style as an orphanage and convent for the Missionary Sisters of the Franciscan order. As a child, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was an altar boy in this building, thus the facility bears his name.

An unbelievable video that has just been released shows Campus Reform’s media director, Cabot Phillips, interviewing students at Savannah College of Arts and Design about a petition that’s been circulating around campus. Organizers are asking students to sign the petition, as a show of support for removing Justice Clarence Thomas’ name from a campus building.

In the interview, the students almost unanimously agreed that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who was raised by his grandparents in Savannah, GA. The only problem is, they don’t know why his name should be removed. This video should be alarming for anyone who watches it. It shows how easily our youth is indoctrinated into believing whatever their leftist professors or peers tell them, without even questioning why they believe what they’re being told. One of the students isn’t sure why he wants the name of the building changed, saying that all he know is that Justice Thomas is a “historical figure, but so was Hitler”…huh???


From Campus Reform:

One student, after saying she would sign the petition, admitted, “I don’t know I haven’t done much research on this. I just saw the petition and that’s the extent of it.” Another student in support of the petition echoed a similar sentiment, saying, “well I don’t actually know what he did,” while yet another added, “I really don’t know anything about him.”

One student went so far as to compare Thomas to Hitler, though when asked if he could name anything Thomas had done to justify such a comparison, the student admitted, “I mean not in particular.”

While most students supported the petition, there were those in opposition. One such student said they believed “just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t mean you shouldn’t honor them.”

Another student had a message for those who had signed the petition: “If you don’t align with someone it doesn’t mean they’re bad. It doesn’t mean they’re wrong or that you’re right. Do your own research and find the middle ground between you and that person.”





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