Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA), who has publicly called for Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential election, wrote in an op-ed for the Boston Globe that it appeared Biden didn’t recognize him during an overseas trip.

“Every time we crossed paths and I caught his eye, he would break into that big, wide Joe Biden grin and say how glad he was to see me. It was like that just last Christmas at the White House Ball,” Moulton wrote.

“More recently, I saw him in a small group at Normandy for the 80th anniversary of D-Day. For the first time, he didn’t seem to recognize me. Of course, that can happen as anyone ages, but as I watched the disastrous debate a few weeks ago, I have to admit that what I saw in Normandy was part of a deeper problem,” he continued.

Moulton writes in the Boston Globe:

It was a crushing realization, and not because a person I care about had a rough night but because everything is riding on Biden’s ability to beat Donald Trump in November.

America needs him to win and, like most Americans, I’m no longer confident that he can. The president should bow out of the race.

If anything the stakes are now even higher, and the urgency greater.

The assassination attempt on Trump last weekend makes him even harder to beat, and it makes prosecuting the case about why he is a danger to democracy more tricky — though no less essential — because the wrong word choice can quickly be used against you.

And while the shooting shifted the national conversation for now, what hasn’t changed are these basic facts: Biden is trailing Trump in critical swing states, and he has yet to show us that he is willing or able to change his strategy.

Moulton was among the first House Democrats to call on Biden to withdraw from the presidential election.

Additional House Democrats Call On Joe Biden To Step Aside, Senate Democrats Next?

The list of congressional Democrats urging Biden to step aside has surpassed 30.

More Congressional Democrats Call On Joe Biden To Step Aside, List Surpasses 30

From the New York Post:

Biden awkwardly fumbled for a chair as other dignitaries, including French President Emmanuel Macron, stood during a poignant D-Day commemoration ceremony in France on June 6.

Elsewhere during the ceremony, cameras captured the president with his eyes closed, prompting some to claim he was dozing off, and a clip of Biden appearing lost after shaking hands with Macron went viral on social media.

The following week, Biden’s apparent mental decline “shocked” European allies during his trip to the G7 summit in Italy.

A diplomatic insider told The Sun that the president had been “losing focus” during discussions at the summit and was “the worst he has ever been.”

A senior European official later told the New York Times that Biden seemed “out of it” at points during the gathering and that the president appeared less robust physically than the last time the official had seen him the previous fall.

Earlier this month, Moulton became the third House Democrat to call on Biden to step aside.

Some 30 House Democrats have since echoed Moulton’s concerns, demanding that the octogenarian president no longer seek re-election.


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