You can’t say I didn’t warn you….

We’ve been sounding the alarm around here as loud as we can to say GET YOUR MONEY OUT OF THE BANKS!

Well, here’s the latest…

A new video going viral on Twitter shows what appears to be Chase Bank REFUSING to accept a cash deposit from a customer — and then threatening to call the police on him.

NOTE: we cannot independently verify the veracity of this video or the date it was recorded but it began going viral on Twitter in November 2023 as best we can tell.

Take a look:

Backup here:

One more backup here:

We’ve warned you over and over and over…..

Remember this?

Photo Claims Wells Fargo Limiting Cash Withdrawals To $1,000

A new photo circulating online purports to show a sign on the door of a Wells Fargo which says “Due to emergency conditions, cash withdrawal is limited to $1,000.”

The form has a blank for the dollar amount, which suggests the amount could change from day to day and even go down to smaller allowable withdrawals.

Take a look for yourself:

Backup here:

To be fair, Twitter’s Community Notes posted this warning, which says there is no evidence the photo is real:

Ok, fair enough.

There’s no evidence the photo is real.

There’s no evidence I can find that it isn’t real.

So we’ll call that open-ended.

I did search far and wide for any statement from Wells Fargo saying the photo is fake and the limits are not in place and I was not able to find any statement from the company disclaiming the photo.

That is also not determinative, but I would have expected a press release or even a statement on Twitter from the company addressing it and I did not find one.

So…how much money do YOU have in the bank?

More than $1,000?

Are you confident you own your current funds on deposit?

Are you confident you could get them out if you wanted?


WARNING: U.S. Government May Freeze American Bank Withdrawals

Noah here and I’m going to keep shouting these warning from the rooftop until everyone hears them.

Like a watchman on the wall.


Because it’s very possible your money may not be safe.

Where’s the safest place to put your money?

For decades, we were raised and taught the answer to that question was “in a bank”.

And for decades that answer was correct.

But what if one day the bank just says — sorry!  It’s not your money anymore!  — and refuses to let you take it out?

That’s not just random speculation by me, many experts are warning that’s coming.

In fact, it already has a name:  “bail-ins”.

Check this out:

And from Stew Peters:

Here’s more, from The Daily HODL:

In a new interview on Bloomberg Markets, Hendry says mass panic and capital flight away from the US banking sector is entirely justified.

Hendry says a further decline in the M2 money supply, which in part tracks money in liquid checking accounts, could convince the US government to step in and prevent citizens from taking their capital out of the banking system.

“Sometimes it’s kind of relevant to panic. I would recommend you panic… You’ve seen the biggest waterfall decline in M2 right now. M2 is deposits, not loans. That’s the deposits fleeing the system and going into money market funds.

That could reach a crescendo where the Treasury and the Fed may have to come in and actually restrict your right as a US citizen to pull money out of the US banking sector.”

Hendry says capital flight from US banks is not solely about fears on whether the FDIC will insure deposits above $250,000, and a blanket guarantee on deposits would not solve the problem.

“There is capital flight, deposit flight from the banking sector seeking yield. I fear that, I don’t say this lightly, but in 1934 the Federal Reserve Act confiscated gold from US citizens.

We’re at the point where the Fed and Treasury officials I’m sure are having to consider a gate a lock on US bank deposits.”

You can watch that full video here:

And have you seen this?

Weiss: 1,200 Banks Have “Imminent Risk Of Failure” [99% Accurate]

Did you think the Banking Crisis was over?

I sure hope it is, but honestly folks I have to keep sounding the alarm because I don’t think it is.

So while I’d love to bring you “hopium” and positivity, I’d even more prefer to bring you TRUTH.

Because I don’t want anyone to say “why didn’t you warn us?”

This is me warning you.

It’s also Weiss Ratings.

Somehow they fly under the radar, but they should get MUCH more attention than they do.

Unlike the big financial firms who have one ratings agency under one part of their company and then a brokerage house under the other part of their company (a HUGE conflict of interest), Weiss is an independent ratings agency.

Founded in 1971, the company has a stellar track record.

Almost unbelievably so.

How did they far in the 2008 crash?

From their website:

Ok, so a company that was 99.8% accurate in warning about 464 of 465 failed banks is probably someone we should listen to right now.

So what are they saying right now?

It’s bad.

It’s 2008 times 3 as Weiss is now warning that 1,200 banks are at immediate risk of failure:

Here’s more from their June 5 article:

I have an urgent message and an equally urgent, today-only recommendation. But first the facts …

Based on year-end 2022 data, our Bank Safety Ratings showed there were close to 4,250 banks and credit unions at present or future risk of failure.

That was both shocking and controversial.

Now, there are 5,274.

That’s bound to be even more shocking and controversial.

So, let me take this opportunity to provide full disclosure of our methodology and philosophy.

First and foremost, we’re not here to protect the banks or make mealy-mouthed excuses for bad management and government meddling. That’s their “job.”

Our job is to help protect the customer and the investor. That’s why we never have accepted — and never will accept — payment from the institutions for our ratings.

The data comes from the FDIC. They’re the ones who collect quarterly reports from the banks and then provide the data to research or ratings firms like ours.

Then our computer models crunch the data and generate the ratings. No bias. No second-guessing or cherry-picking. It is what it is.

But built into our models is our view of what’s important, what’s safe and what’s not safe. So, at the end of the day, our rating is an expression of our opinion.

Other analysts are free to have their opinions, and if they differ from ours, we can have a reasoned debate about who’s on target or who’s not.

Then, let history be the judge.

Opinions are also tied to goals. So, let me say it again: Our goal is to protect the bank customer and investor.

And with rare exception, they tell us the last thing they want is to get caught up in a bank failure.

Dallas Brown from Weiss was on Glenn Beck’s show this week and I have to show you this interview:

You may have noticed Glenn brought up gold.

Gold has been the ONE currency to have stood the test of time.

Literally “God’s Money” it has never gone to zero and by all accounts never will.

And the Central Banks know it.

I always say: watch what they DO, not what they SAY.

There’s a phrase on Wall Street called “talking your book”.

It’s a pretty evil thing…

Basically what it means is while you are telling the world one thing, you are secretly doing the exact opposite behind the scenes.


Because if you can make the entire market panic (retirees, workers contributing to 401ks, people trying to get ahead with investments), then you can swoop in while they’re panicking and buy on the cheap!

Vice-versa, if you can create euphoria, you can get the public to buy in at exactly the wrong time….all while you cash out.

It’s what Wall Street has been doing forever.

And history is repeating itself right now with Gold and Silver — in my opinion.

For the last year, central banks across the globe have been buying up as much gold (and often silver) as they can acquire without raising alarm bells.

Now, we see why.

The recent bank runs and ongoing collapse of the U.S. banking system was anticipated by the “elites” and the central bankers who run things behind the scenes. They saw it coming and knew the best way to protect their assets was through physical precious metals.

So…the only question is, are you going to do what they TELL YOU or do what they DO themselves?

It’s why Jim Cramer is wrong almost EVERY time on CNBC.

His job is not to give you great Financial Advice.

I sure hope you didn’t think that.

No, his job is to “talk the books” for Wall Street and get the narrative out that they want!

Even if it’s wrong — like it is over and over and over.

So, what can you do?

You can do what the Central Banks are doing…get some Gold and Silver.

Precious metals.

God’s money.

I just talked about precious metals this week with Bo Polny and now I’m bringing you a solution that you can utilize right away if you’re so inclined…

Oh and here’s the best part…it’s from a faith-driven, conservative precious metals company whose mission is to help Americans tap into the rising precious metals market through self-directed IRAs backed by physical precious metals. And while this service is not unique to Genesis, their adherence to Biblical stewardship of money makes them singularly qualified to receive a sponsored recommendation from this site.

Unlike most companies offering similar services, Genesis deals only with physical precious metals.

So important.

They do not offer “virtual” or “paper” gold or silver.

Oh, and you know who else loves these guys?


Literally Superman, Conservative Actor and the man who once played Clark Kent on ABC, Dean Cain.

Check this out:

With Genesis and their depositories, customers can see and touch the precious metals that back their retirement accounts. When it comes time to take distributions, Genesis customers can cash in some or all of their precious metals or have them delivered to their door.

Central bankers aren’t slowing down. In fact, nations like China and even U.S. states like Tennessee are quickly but quietly buying up gold to back their own treasuries. When the writing on the wall is this clear, it’s understandable why these governments are moving quickly to get ahead of any potential economic catastrophes in store.

Working with Genesis is the best way our readers can explore the physical precious metals market through self-directed IRAs. It benefits us as well when our readers work with this America-First company.

Visit or call 866-292-0443 today.

Don’t wait too long, according to Weiss we have more bank failures right around the corner.

You know what has NEVER “failed”?

Gold.  Precious metals.  Indestructible.

There’s a reason they call it “God’s money”.

Watch this for more:

Stay safe!

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.


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