High school students in Kansas City staged a walkout from class to protest an English teacher at the school who didn’t succumb to the school’s “woke ideology” and “repeated white shaming.”

Caedran Sullivan, an English teacher who has worked at Shawnee Mission North High School for 15 years,  published an op-ed earlier this month that criticized the school district for pushing a “woke,” “anti-American” ideology. She chose to have her op-ed published by The Lion after the school district mandated diversity training while they were suffering from a teacher shortage and an inability to recruit quality faculty members.

Caedran Sullivan

“I can no longer stay silent about the state of our schools,” wrote Sullivan. “I will be attacked and threatened, but for the good of the district and the students with whom we are entrusted, I must speak out. this is too important.”

“We are being manipulated and intimidated by a divisive “woke” ideology that is creating a culture of contempt and disrespect,” she continued. “There is repeated white shaming and a preoccupation with white people as the ‘oppressor, including staff field trips with a focus on ‘systemic racism.'”

“Our district is no longer academically focused. We are doing our students a disservice by allowing a biased curriculum to take over.”

Sullivan also revealed that the teaching staff is instructed to “hide from the parents the fact that their minor children are transitioning at school.”

“There is no ideological diversity; there is no substantial counter-argument allowed. It is wreaking havoc on morale,” warned Sullivan.

Students at the high school where Sullivan teaches were outraged that she would dare post anything online disagreeing with their woke ideologies and organized a walkout during school hours during which they demanded that she be fired.

The problem is that these students have been taught that if someone doesn’t completely agree with them, they are in the wrong and should be punished and ostracized for their beliefs. They are unable to fathom that someone could have a differing perspective without being a bad person.

“It’s not acceptable that she’s still here, and that she can post all that stuff on the internet and that’s okay,” one student named Destiney Hall complained to Fox Kansas City, speaking as though free speech has already been wiped out in this country.

SMSD student Destiney Hall

Another student, Lil Enloe, seemed to be uncomfortable with the idea of someone disagreeing with them, saying, “I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when it’s so controversial like that, it can be uncomfortable for other people, especially if they’re teachers.”

There were, however, some who came out in support of Sullivan and her right to express her own personal beliefs.

A retired teacher named Maria Holiday spoke in support of Sullivan, saying, “Just because we’re teachers doesn’t mean we leave our constitutional rights at the door.”

I have granddaughters and I don’t want teachers to push their ideological – or administrators – to push their ideological agendas onto my grandchildren,” Holiday added.

The spokesperson for the school district, David Smith, spoke in support of Sullivan holding her own opinion, saying, “We’ve come a long way from getting away from segregation. This is bringing it all back. It’s ridiculous and it’s being taught in our schools each day.”


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